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Everything posted by Tattoodave

  1. That's a shame, the Spanish ones are bullies and will muscle in anywhere they can.
  2. Spanish bluebells, Hyacinthoides hispanica, sadly they reproduce far quicker than the native species.
  3. I would imagine that I've crossed paths with Dave Forrest in the past, though having left the Peterborough area in the late 70's and only been to the Fleet and a couple of other venues since the turn of the millennium I doubt if I could say I know him, however, it's a sad loss losing anyone from an area that I still hold dear. RIP Dave
  4. shouldn't that be "nightclap"? Which in all cases should be declined for obviously health reasons I'll get my coat!
  5. I guess I can be labelled as a returnee, I left the scene in late 76 when I joined the Army, though returned to a few local nights around the Peterborough area until 78 when visiting my parents. I left the UK in 80 for two years in Japan and sought out vinyl where I could there, then onto New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Hawaii, California (again collecting vinyl), Minnesota and finally Toronto (both collecting more vinyl) where I started a fairly regular commute to the 100 Club allnighters. I have no dress sense, don't want one, I like what I like and I dance to what I like, even if it's not the way other people dance. I used to have a beard down to my navel, which along with my full sleeves of tattoos doesn't fit the soulie image, but did I give a toss, did I Billy O, though the beard has been severely shortened for some years now. I have an eclectic taste when it comes to soul, recalling some of the Wigan sounds in question, and must say I enjoy them once in a while as it brings back memories of mischief, but there are many, many (Commandant Eric Lassard) tracks out there, so I'm happy to hear them played out as long as it's just one or two in the course of several hours of soul music, though while I may not dance to them I'll happily have a pint of Guinness or go and take a potty break.
  6. Looks like a willow warbler to me Ste, but I'm no expert
  7. The photographer is still working and has an email address: chrissteeleperkins@hotmail.com He might be able to tell you who he was working for
  8. Another that I'll never tire off...
  9. One that I never tire of
  10. Written by Mike d'Abo, first version released was Chris Farlowe, 2 years before Rod got his sticky fingers on it.
  11. I wonder if anyone in the small Lincolnshire village of Bicker ever considered starting a soul night? I'm sure there's some that would gripe about the music policy.
  12. It probably got dumped there after flowering, they survive for a short while without fertiliser, but gradually weaken to nothing. Voles like to eat the stems under the soil surface, so they weaken them too.
  13. It's a hyacinth Steve, probably a variety of Hyacinthus orientalis, the garden hyacinth, and a weakened flower from not getting enough fertiliser. The Bluebell is Hyacinthoides non-scripta and curls over at the end with the flower stalks not being so robust.
  14. Steve, I'm not surprised, they're only just returning here, saw a couple of swift yesterday and the swallows came back the middle of last week, I think you'll be lucky to see them return to the UK within the next couple of weeks. Dave
  15. I've been trying to think what other niceties could be spelled out in such a fashion, I may have to buy a washing line.
  16. I had to share this with you, I'm not ambitious enough to be so ingenious
  17. It's not a native, it's Anemone coronaria, easily grown in light to sandy soil in full sun. Slugs and eelworms like them, as does powdery mildew, but otherwise trouble free. Soak the dried rhizomes overnight before planting.
  18. I can assure you that as a vegan son of a gamekeeper that people do shoot snipe, and they are considered quite difficult to shoot. I long for open season on humans, as, while vegan, I'd quite readily rid the planet of many humans.
  19. I think you'll find it easier just to go out alone, that way Shelly won't be able to see you. ps Leave the sofa at home
  20. I can see three Baz, but don't quote me.
  21. I had my father bring one back that was a bit poorly and I stuck him in one of his aviaries to feed up, he ate and ate and ate, I spent hours digging up bugs and pretty much hand feeding him. He was quite docile but noisy. When it came to releasing him he bit me to say thanks, but at least he was fit enough to fly off.
  22. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/122954332739?ul_noapp=true a listing error obviously, but sickening to think they are still being allowed to sell these.
  23. Casablanca is in Morocco, and unless that's an intended Freudian slip, you might mean Sphinx Steve?
  24. This is currently one that I play on a daily basis,

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