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Everything posted by Herbie0908

  1. We used go to the cats . Then on to the Gloucester coach to Wigan . Once we were dropped off at the steam machine for a torch revival . Then we were picked up on the way back. Got off the coach at frankly beaches services. Then walked home to Halesowen. Old hill
  2. Hi chris Shep fool to fool still available If so .your paypal address My postcode DY5 2RL
  3. Have you still got dena valery . If so PayPal account Thanks steve
  4. Hi paul Do you still have joe tex .you better believe it baby dial .if so can you send me your PayPal address. Thanks steve
  5. Hi lee money sent p.pal friends. My address 10 lindale crescent.brierley hill. West Midlands. DY52RL
  6. Hi is the bluesbusters love is a answer. Still available .if so send me paypal address Thanks steve
  7. Hi Edwin Starr still available if so can I have your pay pal details thanks steve
  8. Hi Have you still got narbay if so can you send me your PayPal details thanks steve
  9. Can you send me the list Stephen0908@hotmail.co.uk thanks
  10. Hi can you send me the list
  11. Hi is the record still available.if so send me your PayPal details .price in pounds and posting Thanks steve
  12. Hi ill take it Send me your pay pal details f/f Thanks Steve
  13. Hi des have you got the embers first time. Thanks Steve
  14. Hi des do you still have the embers first time. If so keep it for me thanks steve
  15. Hi do you still have pic and bill if so send me your PayPal thanks Steve + p&p
  16. Hi des Ollie & nightingales please .can you let me know if it’s available. Thanks
  17. Hi des have you still got Lee Jackson ordinary people.if so can I have your PayPal address thanks
  18. Hi can I have Troy keys you told your story £10 send me your PayPal details
  19. Hi have you still got Diane Lewis j j Barnes if so send me your PayPal details thanks steve
  20. Hi have you still got Diane Lewis j j Barnes if so send me your PayPal details thanks steve
  21. Hi have you still got the olymipcs no more will I cry £30. I know it's off an old list
  22. Hi .at the last stoke niter Mick h played a acetate .he did mention the name and the tittle . But I've forgot can anyone help thanks
  23. Hi my name is Steve I will have the two wristbands . Let me know when we can meet up

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