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Richard Free

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Everything posted by Richard Free

  1. Absolutely agreed .but most general soul funk Latin etc that buy northern as well .i am always stunned how good some of the US guys collections are .Then again a little more accessible for those guys
  2. A total sales pitch by Mr Manship about a record that is not rare but in demand .When the market changes this particular tune will be a cheapie once more .I would think serious collectors of northern number less than 5,000 worldwide .The word serious important here .
  3. I feel that the ovo is essential at all the most respected venues .leave the boots for the local soul clubs .the young guys can find plenty of good ovo tunes cheaply .It makes you have to work that much harder to discover great tunes and be much more inventive playing original vinyl .There are so many great tunes costing under £20
  4. Just got to let a few young ones in .Give them a chance to develop their own style .
  5. Thanks Guy I thought I had one but the chap changed his mind .Message me if it turns up .thanks richard
  6. Nice I will message offer cheers richard
  7. Obviously missed this Michael !i managed to get one from the uk it should be awaiting my return .it was good to see you .i hope you found something spectacular .Still need a Tommy bush though .Cheers richard
  8. Hi Guy if you root out the spare I would be most interested .i.caught your spot at Swinton recently and was mightily impressed didn't know a bunch of it which is always encouraging .A nice break from oldies . Cheers richard
  9. Do you want to sell pomonkey ?
  10. Anyone got any info on this one had some spins and quite rare I believe cheers richard
  11. Got a white demo I will have a look tomorrow at condition
  12. Got a mint issue £35 if any good cheers richard
  13. Top end do wop but lots of average stuff prices have dropped
  14. Did you have to stand in the naughty corner
  15. Well worth the telling off .A couple of cracking pics there Chalkie
  16. Other sellers saying just the same thing including records heading back to the USA!
  17. Great pics Eddie Hubbard
  18. Forgot to mention the backing singers were great .I always love the backing singers
  19. She was signing a few records and it was no bother taking pics at the 100 club .Although I only took a couple and they weren't too good .Love your Stafford scribing Chalky!
  20. Maybe there will be another slump in prices or maybe not .For sure some relatively common records are selling for over the odds due to demand .There will also be a bunch of collections coming to the market in the next years as some of us older collectors pop our clogs .Demand however is now from all around the world and there is a growing youth market for funk sweet soul and northern . One thing that is for sure is that the genuinely rare records will continue to achieve big prices .Another point worth mentioning is how many American soul collectors there are including a lot of younger guys .Walking into a record shop Stateside is certainly does not mean easy pickings anymore and it hasn't been that way for a good while .The days of big old stock finds are also extremely rare .Most of the Radio stations have been done .The biggest percentage of big tunes are stuck in collections .So who knows where prices will go ?
  21. Great to see Betty Harris at the 100 club .She started off a little sluggishly with Mean Man but soon picked it up with great renditions of many classics and could still bang a tune out for sure .She's appearing in Manchester tonight and you never know it might be the last chance to see a truly great artist in th UK .What a great time we had listening to great music and meeting up with old friends and making a few new ones .What a great venue .
  22. I will take your city lights Angus cheers richard
  23. Bootlegs were the first Northern records I bought .I didn't even know they were bootlegs I was 14 and discovering Northern soul .I loved the music and learnt to dance in my bedroom along to the sounds of these illegal pressings . The bootleggers gave me access to sounds I could hear only at the weekend otherwise .There were no CDs no Spotify not even lovely Kent compilations so back in 1974/5 there was no alternative if you wanted to play these tunes at home you bought these illegal presses .After a very short time on the scene I started to buy originals at first just cheapies and then more expensive tunes .Today I would not dream of buying a boot but back then they did serve a purpose . I fully agree with Mr Croasdale re the ovo nights the d j s can play a great selection of music even if they don't own a copy of The Salvadors or a Tomangoes .The local soul nights have always played boots and will continue to I am sure but I really do not see the point of bootlegs now when you can access the music in so many other ways .If a DJ wants to be respected on the soul scene he or she plays original vinyl . I must admit that I still own a few bootlegs from my youth they are part of my personal history .
  24. Wants to help fill Christmas stocking Tony Middleton Spanish maiden ,Tommy Bush I don't like it originals only properly graded at vg+ an old fashioned vg would do but vg+ seems to be the old vg if you get my meaning cheers Richard
  25. Linda Jones and ike and Tina gone??

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