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Richard Free

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Richard Free last won the day on August 11 2017

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About Richard Free

  • Birthday 14/07/1960

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  • Interests
    Collecting vinyl travelling eating cooking drinking falling over
  • Top Soul Sound
    Lenny Curtis nothing can help me now

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  • A brief intro...
    Lifelong across the board soul fan and record addict .managing director of pop boutique which has seven shops over U.K. and Sweden .Owner of tiny record shop in Liverpool that is only open Saturdays . Happily married

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  1. I will pm you tomorrow
  2. Do you mean Jerry and the medicine men on edco ?
  3. So many great tunes coming to market and prices starting to dip .How many collectors can buy tunes at £500 plus on a weekly basis .Not me for sure
  4. Whilst o quite enjoy these discussions re dead wax etc my wife would truly piss herself at the nerdery if that has ever been a word .Great stuff guys .We need this different world we live in
  5. hi i think i have spare i will pm tomorrow
  6. Hi I have a garnet looking for you US issue .if interested cheers richard
  7. Got a demo will message price and condition later today
  8. vg + or better if possible copy of the soul-fay young girl wanted -i have plenty of good trades or cash waiting thanks in advance
  9. looking for a vg + or better copy of the Ascots a few feet from the gutter .i have plenty of interesting trades or can pay cash . Thanks for any help on this
  10. Mike Vague I am so sorry to hear this .If there is anything I can do from this side of the ocean please message me .Hope to see you soon ,Richard
  11. i just haven't got out as much since lock down .I don't really enjoy soul night music policy of tried and tested oldies .I still want to hear tunes i haven't heard before and less tired sounds .I will be hitting a few weekenders over the Spring and Summer that have a diverse music policy so hope that will rekindle my enthusiasm .I still love the music and collect . I own my own business and had to put more hours in than ever to make up for desperate financial time during the first year of covid . i think a lot of people including me have probably had to re evaluate their lives and prioritised family and loved ones and spend more time with them after a desperate couple of years during the pandemic .The addiction to soul music can take up a chunk of your free time
  12. Record thieves have always been a part of the soul scene .The crime Ted has experienced was truly dreadful and something that will stay with him forever.Very often the records surface and are returned but the experience will cause psychological damage and bring up trust issues that will linger. I had records stolen by so called friends back in the 70s .I was a young lad at the time but it certainly knocked my confidence and my faith in the soul scene.That box of records was my life at the time .The case went to court and my mate and i received a pittance from the perpetrators for the records that were stolen . The police laughed at me when i told them the value of the records .I helped break the case myself when at Wigan a certain well known dj played one of the stolen records which as a regular i knew he didn't own .I went straight up to the decks and spotted it had the same markings as the missing record.I told the dj that i believed that was my record .Straight after the record finished playing the dj handed the record to me without looking at me .I was furious and nervous but headed straight to the St Helens police the next day and a few months later i went to court. I hope Ted gets his records back .I am sure the criminals who stole them are unaware of what they mean to him.Beyond money .Collectors pour their heart and soul into those boxes of records no matter what the value is.Each record has a story of where it was found and who you bought it from and how long you searched for it .Some records have deeper meanings including memories of lost friends or loved ones.Anyone who could steal these treasures could never understand this. Was this done to order?Was it some scallywags that had no idea the deep shit they were getting into ?Was it jealousy ?These are the questions that go through my mind
  13. i have a copy of bobby long spare i will take a look and get back to you

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