Oh I really hope not.
There's been far too much interference from the outside media world as it is and it never does the scene any justice and generally makes us look or sound dimwits.
A decent pop record but never a Northern tune, not in a million years for me.
Never heard it played out at any Soul Night or Nighter I have attended since 1979.
Wasn't Lorraine Silver from Northamptonshire and this was just another tailor made for the Northern Scene track. Or is my memory playing tricks on me again
I think I have have a rival to Wait A Minute, as a tune that I truly had forgotten about but these posts brought it all back to embarrass me all over again so many years later.
Does anyone remember :
The Cheery People And Suddenly
Admittedly a very poor version of Samantha Jones.
Of all the records mentioned so far, Tim Tam is still way out in front in the bad taste guilty pleasure lay this burden down stakes.
But sure there will be a few more contenders.
Sorry Hugh.
Can't really remember where I got it to be honest but surprised I got it home at all if I came home from Wigan with it in your car mate.
In fact surprised I got there to buy it.
It was always an adventure wherever we went mate.
Tim Tam and the Turn Ons really is too much of a burden to have to bare for all these years mate.
But these records were all part of growing up on this GREAT scene of ours.
We all have our guilty pleasures.
To be honest I've got loads but here's 2 that I still love but feel I shouldn't.
The Invitations Skiing in the Snow
Bobby Paris Night Owl
For some reason I have never got fed up of these, not that you hear them anymore.
Some may say that's a good thing.
I am lucky enough to have 3 off the modern side, Cheryl Berdell, Charles Johnson and Tyrone Barkley.
Would really love to own a Court Davis and John and the Weirdest, 2 of my all time 6ts favourites.
Roy Dawson covered up as James Mack and the Chicago Gangsters if I remember correctly.
I bought the All Nite Long boot when it was first knocking about for a tenner I seem to remember, still got it somewhere.
I wonder what the collective amount of cash the tunes on the album would fetch in their original form today.
A truly mind boggling sum I'm sure.
Sure someone on here would have a good idea.
Really sad to hear about Jon's passing.
A true legend of the scene.
Many fond memories of being in his and Sues company at nighters, soul nights and scooter rallies.
He was quite a big character and made quite an impression on a very young and nieve trainee soulie on his many jaunts to the Pilgrims in Bedford.
He taught my alot both good and bad.
Thanks for the memories Jon.
Rob and Sue.
Me and Sue only found out about this very sad news last night and it got us talking about one of the nicest genuine Soulies you could ever wish to meet. Always happy to meet up with Winnie at many a Nighter or Soul Night over many many years. Winnie and Panch were like the Batman and Robin of the Northern scene, all be it the Only Fools And Horses version as they were always together. The Bedford Soul Scene will not be the same from now on and Winnie will be missed by many people all over the country not just Bedford.
RIP Winston
All our love and thoughts to the family.
Rob and Sue
Yes, you are right Mark. I was there that night and remember Sam playing the Traditions and using the group's real name instead of its cover up alias and then having to back track and say it was by Little Joe Romans. Sam also stated that he thought Bedford was the best slaughter in the country at that time. Indeed great days.
All the best Rob from Bedford
Very sad news Steve!, Baz was always such a lovely friendly fella and a regular on the soul scene for as long as I can remember. He always had a kind word for everyone and was good company on many occasions. RIP big fella. Rob & Sue
I only knew Paul as a DJ on this fantastic Soul Scene we all know and love but what a fantastic DJ he was !, Such very sad news ! Our thoughts go out to Paul's family and friends. RIP Paul Love Rob and Sue
Another old school Soulie passes onto that great record bar in the sky. A larger than life character, great stories and great company at many a soul night or nighter. RIP Rob & Sue
Such terribly sad news,I have known Tony for 35 years and will miss him so much.he was a true gent and real soulie. he was a true bedford legend on the soul scene and whatever alnighter you may have attended with him everyone seemed to know Tony. We were lucky enough to attend his birthday celebration in cambridge a couple of weeks ago and he was on fine form. The bedford soul scene will never be the same again.
Love Rob & Sue