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Still Diggin

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Still Diggin last won the day on December 4 2017

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    Great Yarmouth
  • Top Soul Sound
    Bobby Glenn You do the right things

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  1. I find these threads regarding ''Low Rider'' soul thought provoking but somewhat anoying. The first slow harmony record by a lesser known group (certainly to me at the time) that really grabed me was the Festivals 'So in love' on Gordy, that came from an old second hand store in 1979 for 25p. However at that point I was collecting all kinds of soul, however by the late 80's I was looking for more group stuff like the Festivals and single artist ballads to boot., by the end of the 90's, 50 percent of my purchases were slow soul, by the end of the 2000's 80 percent at least were slow soul. So your'e probably thinking were is all this going, point is i'm not the only one, there are numerous collectors both over here Japan and in Europe having followed a similar path just getting on with it and have done it for years, nothing new. I don't think it was untill the late 90's sombody talked about ''Low Rider'', I had no clue what they were on about, only to realize there was a parrallel scene of a knowledgeable bunch of good guys with smilar taste in California. As for 'sweet soul' term being used to ramp up prices on the net, anyone who has being looking for this stuff for any length of time pretty much knows whats rare and what isn't. It does not help when it would appear there seems to be a poor understanding of what sweet soul actually is. For the most part the lead is sung in Falsetto or counter/high tenor. Obviously group or single artist. There have been thousands of soul records listed since the bandwagon jump in ''Low rider'' in the last ten years that due not fit this cryteria, but listed as sweet soul, there are some group records that that would follow a similar lyrical portrail or concept that some would argue should fit this crytria, I dont. Records on my turntable like Longstreets on Mighty oak, Essence of life on Sir Ran Rap, Arterials on Mary and common favorits like Touch of Class 'I'll be your rainbow' Smokey Robinson 'Wev'e come to far to end it now' are SWEET SOUL and i know those guys in California dig these records. As for the Ace CD, IMO there are some nice unreleased tracks. You will notice there is a picture of the Nightchill group featured, with sleeve notes eluding to not knowing who the group were other than Dave Hamilton only knowing the lead singers first name. The group sent me the same photo over twenty years ago, however it was signed by the group. they were - Anthony Robinson, James Smith, Tyrone Marshall, Nathaniel Harriot.
  2. So I assume one bloke has his headphones on dancing to High Frequency 'Summertime' and the bloke next to him has his headphones on dancing to Ray Pollard 'The drifter'. surely the Drifter guy is gonna like he's had a stroke! then get a few lifesize cardboard cut outs of Tommy Cooper riding a donky to make the dance floor look busy, what could go wrong?
  3. Great photo Chris, amazing the pictures you can take sun bathing in the dunes on new years eve!
  4. I find it difficult to accept some of the accreditations made on discogs to certain artists, more so when the time frame between releases spans nearly a decade. Productions change dramaticaly so vocal delivery accomadates this in such a way it can sound like a different artist. IMO Bobby King on Motown and Warners does not sound like the chap on the Luna 45, however the chap on the Lunar 45 does sound like the chap on Reprise with the Stevie Wonder cover. Like I say maybe it's just a time frame thing.
  5. I also thought it was a slightly different mix, however the point I was making is it is Bobby King singing, with no evidence of it being Rudy Love.
  6. A good captivating soul record is often it's simplicity. often wondered if it was Al 'alonzo' Wilson as it does sound like him. But that was from down south.
  7. Given the fact this record is the same as Bobby king on Lunar then it would be reasonable to think King Superfly is just a play on Bobby's surname to negate contractual issues. Where is the provenance this has anything to do with Rudy Love. I stand to be corrected as my time spent at school was limited.
  8. Just dropped you a line. Andy
  9. Great choices Kev, as expected!
  10. Excellent thread to start, however it may have been best to limit the suggestions to American based artists, as I can see this decending into numerous biddu type productions based on carribean and islands acts that lived over here, of which there are several hundred some mentioned already, not saying their all crap but it could go on forever. Car;l Douglas mentioned above also had a different flip in the Uk with his Buddah release, in the States it was 'Marble and iron' in the uk it was 'Do you need my love to get better', off to play the flip 'Lean on me' a soulfull piece if ever there was one. Thanks for the nudge on Carl.
  11. Just wondered if you have the group members for the Four Wonders?
  12. Great subtle harmony, busy chap back then was Ronnie Mcneir.
  13. It saves them from bringing a stick.
  14. To be fair Chris even the thickest of skined collector was reluctant to spend a shed load of cash on most titles like that for the simple fact most of us thought in the end they would slowly start to drift over from the states and end up being a fiver as most were relatively knew, even after the best part of forty years you could probably fit all the known copies of those titles you mention ever found in a bucket and still have room for your shoes! but the thing is if you wanted to hear it you had three options, buy it, turn up, or scrounge a hissy cassette off ya mate! , no youtube mixcloud discogs spotify re-issue etc. Everybody's an expert now without going out of the front door. Good times back then for sure and credit to Poke, Sam Arthur, Robin, Richard etc for the inspiration.
  15. Many thanks for getting in touch Peter, your best bet would be to contact Steve Guarnori, he has just brought out the wonderfull book which is All Platinum the making of a sound. In the book are scans of the Maple 45's, Collector Greg Tormo let Steve have a scan of the Prescott 45. I still have the 45 which plays reasonably well, but had sadly been in a basement which at one point in time been underwater, this has rendered it unfit for what you would need it for, some info on the label is ok, but some missing. A very rare 45 indeed,

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