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mid tempo

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Everything posted by mid tempo

  1. There's an Amy label boot, sure it had Morris Chestnut on other side. Had it late 90s early 2000s. Gave it to a mate when I got lp. Gaz.
  2. Great night ,great club. Thanks for letting me play lads atb Gaz.
  3. Brill stories, & brilliant book Gaz.
  4. Deffo need a copy of this please. Gaz.
  5. 2 demo's in Barnsley, that i know of.
  6. This is the one she signs in the u-tube clip. Priceless to me , thanks to Dave & Bri Pinches .
  7. Two in my 100, from cheap to expensive. Carl Carlton- Dont walk away. Mel Williams- Sweet girl of mine. Both brill imho.
  8. RIP EddieFoster.
  9. Hi Chris, bit late did you sell Leon P....my email is steelegaz@gmail.com for sound clip.. Regards Gaz.
  10. R I P Paul (snoz)..as mentioned not seen Paul for years. Very sad news.. Gaz.
  11. Hi Steve you still got J W Because of you.. regards Gaz.
  12. Great stuff that John....gaz.
  13. Very sad news..very sad day..RIP Joe.
  14. Rescue me - fontella bass...
  15. Nice 1 sue..got there eventually...lol...x
  16. Sadly...looks like back to wants section andy.....hope you finally get one..
  17. Flash/cif/mr.sheen etc. Betty wright -clean up woman. (Is that pc) lol.
  18. Who / when / where did the start wearin these baggy kecks again....lets progress BACK to late 80s/90s ...lol sound wise anyhow .
  19. Why not just dress in todays fashions?.. if we saw folk like teddy boys etc in 70s wid laugh & tek piss... this is even worse 50 + tryin to dress like they were teens/ 20s....imo.....gaz..lol.
  20. Dennisoul...nows your chance get bidding....good luck pal..gaz.
  21. Dave. They played a snippit of open.....side and faded it out just as vocals came in.. what wud that be, abart 10-15 secs....unreal.

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