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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. Whats the going rate for this now ?
  2. casinos-if i told you-del-val,M-,£22 casinos 1.mp3 fabulous peps-with these eyes-Wee 3,Vg+,£22 fab peps 5.mp3 fantastiks-cry night & day/ive & let live,M-,£27 fantastiks 1.mp3 [fantastiks 2.mp3 four tees-like my baby-vj,Ex,£Ex-,£25 four tees.mp3 janice weaver-what you want-phillips wd,Ex-,£20 janice weaver.mp3 lee drummond-baby i know-fontana wd,Vg,£17 lee drummond.mp3 milton harris-she's hurting me-mutt,M-,£32 milton harris.mp3 manhattens-i wanna be/whats it gonna be-carnival,Ex,£17 manhattens 1.mp3 manhattens 2.mp3 garnet mimms-prove it to me-ua,M-,£22 garnet mimms.mp3 marshall & the chi lites-price of love-dakar wd,Ex,£32 marshall& the chi lites.mp3 soul bandits-be good/save it-right groove,M-,£67 soulbandits 1.mp3 vanguards-i cant use you girl-whizz,Ex,£17 vanguards.mp3 As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift or add 4%,to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com, bank transfer,postal orders or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2.25,special del £6.50.N.B.,I can only post twice a week usually weds & sats.P M to reserve Cheers Salmon
  3. Isnt the label smudged & greener on the boot ?
  4. Have alice clark-you hit me ever been booted,also jimmy conwell too much,know this was booted,whats the difference. Cheers Salmon
  5. Cheers
  6. whats the going rate for call on me on goldwax ?
  7. Got plays @ stafford
  8. Pete Lawsons George Kirby C/U,looks like a boot to me
  9. Is this the one on big apple ?
  10. Youll love it,nothings to much trouble for them spec wise
  11. Lew Stanley has one for sale as well
  12. Freddie Scott-mr heartache-columbia,M-,£55 freddie scott.mp3 Betty La Vette-i'm holding on-big wheel,Ex,£40 betty la vette.mp3 2.23MB 12 downloads Casinos-if i told you-del val,M-,£25 casinos 1.mp3 2.16MB 14 downloads Garnet Mimms-prove it to me-U A,M-,£25 garnet mimms.mp3 2.06MB 8 downloads Honey & the Bees-why do you hurt the one who loves you-arctic,Ex,£35 honey & the bees.mp3 1.85MB 12 downloads Jagged Edge-baby you dont know-rca wd,Ex-,£25 jagged edge.mp3 2.35MB 13 downloads Delcos-arabia-showcase,M-,£25 Candi Bars-i believe in you-candy stix,M-,£60 candi bars 1.mp3 1.93MB 27 downloads Jackie & the Tonetts-proof of your love/steady boy-d-town,M-,£75 JACKIE & TONETTES 1.mp3 2.34MB 16 downloads Lillian Dupree-sheild around my heart/hide & seek-D-town,Vg,lots of scuffs,surface marks,plays great,£75 lillian dupree 1.mp3 2.16MB 16 downloads Louise Murray-the love i give-verve,M-,£50,v rare issue loise murray.mp3 2.52MB 21 downloads Vito & the Salutations-i'd best be going-sandbag wd,M-,£35 vito & the salutations.mp3 2.3MB As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift or add 4%,to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com, bank transfer,postal orders or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2.25,special del £6.50.N.B.,I can only post twice a week usually weds & sats.P M to reserve Cheers Salmon
  13. Get yourself a blacka box with d-rings,then get a shoulder strap from a good camera shop,problem resolved
  14. Not ours mate
  15. Stingray-my theme tune Eldees-dont be afraid to love-dynamics Ty Hunter-am i loosing you-chess Harold Burrage-master key-m pac Fury's-i lost my baby-mack1V Dellettes-love dont hurt-C/U Esquires-you say-bunky Soul Notes-dont make me beg/how long will it last-way out Marvellos-somethings burning/we go together-loma Four tempos-got to have you-rampart Josephine Taylor-aint gonna cry no more-mar v lus Ruben Wright-you've done me wrong-capitol Bonnie Brisker-so much lovin-magic city Johnny Daye-keep on loving you-blue star Luther Ingram-give love to get love-ko ko Duff Thermond-now that you left me-newvoice Spencer Wiggins-lonely man-gold wax Casinos-everone cant be pretty-del val Benny Lattimore-girl i've got news for you/aint gonna cry no more-dade Candi Bars-i believe in you-candy stix Well done my young apprentice
  16. Yes,supporting Southampton is on there
  17. Freddie Scott-mr heartache-columbia,M-,£55 paypal as a gift or add 4%,P&P,1st class recorded £2.50,special del £6.50 Cheers Salmon
  18. Betty La Vette-i'm holding on-big wheel,Ex,£40 betty la vette.mp3 Casinos-if i told you-del val,M-,£25 casinos 1.mp3 Garnet Mimms-prove it to me-U A,M-,£25 garnet mimms.mp3 Honey & the Bees-why do you hurt the one who loves you-arctic,Ex,£35 honey & the bees.mp3 Jagged Edge-baby you dont know-rca wd,Ex-,£25 jagged edge.mp3 Delcos-arabia-showcase,M-,£25 delcos.mp3 Or make me an offer on the lot As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift or add 4%,to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com, bank transfer,postal orders or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2,special del £6.N.B.,I can only post twice a week usually weds & sats.P M to reserve Cheers Salmon
  19. Same here,but for online sales i use a new paper sleeve & polysleeve
  20. My sales footer: As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift or add 4%,to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com, bank transfer,postal orders or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2,special del £6.N.B.,I can only post twice a week usually weds & sats.P M to reserve Cheers Salmon never get any comebacks
  21. T'other is four chaps
  22. If you can collect or get a mate to pick it up for you ,theres no vat,they are based in stockport,the handles on these are far more comfortable than swanflight

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