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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. SOLD
  2. Don,if you still have this,will you trade for 45's ?
  3. looking for a cheap ps3,not for gaming,will trade for 45s cheers Salmon
  4. 2 different landa issues,east coast multicoloured,west coast black lined design
  5. someone grab the Lonnie & Flloyd,great tune & a bargain
  6. dynodynamicsteam for me, philly magic
  7. thanks mate keep forgeting,will have a go at this
  8. Any one know this ? https://soundcloud.com/chalkster/dellettes
  9. One of my faves
  10. Hiya ,did i sort you with this ?,memorys goosed
  11. Freddie Scott-mr heartache-columbia,Ex +£50 freddie scott.mp3 Ad Libs-johnny my boy-blue cat wd,Vg++,£25 HOLD ad libs.mp3 C harles Perry-how can i/move on love-mgm ydj,M,£25 charles perry.mp3 Herbie Thompson-let your love-big hit,M-,£25 herbie thompson.mp3 Lillian Dupree-sheild around my heart,Vg+,£60 lillian dupree 1.mp3 Marlina Mars-gonna hold on to your love mgm dj,M-£30 marlina mars.mp3 James Bryant-hey there girl-rennee wd,Ex-,£22 james bryant.mp3 Jackie & the Tonetts-proof of your love-d town,M,-,£65 HOLD JACKIE & TONETTES 1.mp3 Jay Jordan-if it wasnt for love-verve dj,Ex,£24 jay jordan.mp3 Tobi Legend=no good to cry/heartbreaker mala dj,Vg+,£30 lillian dupree 1.mp3 The Shells-when i'm blue-conlo,M-,£15 shells.mp3 As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift or add 4%,to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com, or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2.25,special del £6.50N.B.,I can only post twice a week usually weds & sats.P M to reserve Cheers Salmon tobi legend.mp3 lillian dupree 1.mp3
  12. Two from me,both great percy milem.mp3 spencer wiggins.mp3
  13. Lee Drummond-baby i know-fontana wd,Vg++,£25 for quick sale absolutely storming 60's lee drummond.mp3 Payment by paypal as a gift please,P&P 1st class inc 1st class recorded £2.25
  14. Moovers-one little dance-brent,M- Headliners-your bad news-vip,Ex Dynetts-new guy-constellation,M-,BB hole Freedom riders-freedom rides- roundtable,Ex- Earl Gaines-it's worth anything-HBR,M- Lonnie & Floyd-what you gonna do-jewel,M- Ester Phillips-while it lasted-lennox wd,Vg Bill Jonhson-it aint never gonn die-jocida wd,Ex Bell Brothers-look at me-sureshot,M- Exciters-you know it aint right-bang wd,M- Bad Boys-what took you so long-bell,M- Cordells-you do a thing to my mind-steeltown,M- Jagged Edge-baby you dont know-RCA wd,Vg+ The Lot For £100 or make me an offer,separate items@£10 As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift or add 4%,to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com, or concealed cash at your own risk, open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard @ cost Cheers Salmon
  15. Hiya Rob,does the orig seller ship to uk,looking for a xxl one
  16. Moovers-one little dance-brent,M- Headliners-your bad news-vip,Ex Dynetts-new guy-constellation,M-,BB hole Freedom riders-freedom rides- roundtable,Ex- Earl Gaines-it's worth anything-HBR,M- Lonnie & Floyd-what you gonna do-jewel,M- Ester Phillips-while it lasted-lennox wd,Vg Bill Jonhson-it aint never gonn die-jocida wd,Ex Bell Brothers-look at me-sureshot,M- Exciters-you know it aint right-bang wd,M- Bad Boys-what took you so long-bell,M- Cordells-you do a thing to my mind-steeltown,M- Jagged Edge-baby you dont know-RCA wd,Vg+ The Lot For £160 or make me an offer,singles,price what you want,pick & mix time,or £10 each As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift or add 4%,to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com, or concealed cash at your own risk, open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard @ cost Cheers Salmon
  17. trev thomas has one in sales
  18. Candi Bars-i believe in you-candy-stix,M,£60 Sold candi bars 1.mp3 As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift or add 4%,to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com, or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2.25,special del £6.50N.B.,I can only post twice a week usually weds & sats.P M to reserve Cheers Salmon
  19. got a mint demo of this for sale if anyones interested
  20. Percy Milem-call on me-goldwax,Ex,would grade M- but for a little wol,£75 SOLD Elliot Small-girls are made for loving/stay in my heart-new sound,Ex,£45,brilliant double header Tobi Legend-no good to cry-mala dj,Ex-,£35 Kenny Hamber-looking for a love-arctic wd,one sided,M-,££40 Sons Of Watts-when youre loved-blue rock wd,Ex,30 Benny Gordon-kiss to build a dream on-RCA canadian,M-,£30 Ad-Libs-johnny my boy-blue cat wd,Ex,£45 Louise Murray-the love i give-verve,M-,£55,shit rare issue, starting to get played Vito & the Salutations-best be going-sandbag wd,M-,£40,very hard record on a wd Soul Bandits-be good/save it-right groove right,M-,£70,fantastic two sider Marshal & Chi lights-price of love-dakar wd,Ex,£30 SOLD Garnet Mimms-prove it to me-U A,M-,£25 Dellettes-love dont hurt-C/U Offers,M- dellettes.mp3 Payment by paypal as a gift please,clips,scans on request,1st class standard inc,recorded £2.25,special £6.50 Cheers Salmon
  21. Sold an ex copy to Mickey Cruise a month or so ago,dont know if he's selling,but worth a try
  22. More than one boot of alice clark,booted/reissued on WB
  23. No doubting your taste Jeff
  24. Elliot Small-girls are made for loving-new sound,Vg++,£45,bit of interest in this ,since Gilly played it on Dean A's radio show elliot small 2.mp3 Percy Milem-call on me-goldwax,wol,would grade as m-,but for the writing,£75 HOLD percy milem.mp3 As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift or add 4%,to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com, or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2.25,special del £6.50N.B.,I can only post twice a week usually weds & sats.P M to reserve. Cheers Salmon

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