Percy Milem-call on me-goldwax,Ex,would grade M- but for a little wol,£75 SOLD
Elliot Small-girls are made for loving/stay in my heart-new sound,Ex,£45,brilliant double header
Tobi Legend-no good to cry-mala dj,Ex-,£35
Kenny Hamber-looking for a love-arctic wd,one sided,M-,££40
Sons Of Watts-when youre loved-blue rock wd,Ex,30
Benny Gordon-kiss to build a dream on-RCA canadian,M-,£30
Ad-Libs-johnny my boy-blue cat wd,Ex,£45
Louise Murray-the love i give-verve,M-,£55,shit rare issue, starting to get played
Vito & the Salutations-best be going-sandbag wd,M-,£40,very hard record on a wd
Soul Bandits-be good/save it-right groove right,M-,£70,fantastic two sider
Marshal & Chi lights-price of love-dakar wd,Ex,£30 SOLD
Garnet Mimms-prove it to me-U A,M-,£25
Dellettes-love dont hurt-C/U Offers,M-
Payment by paypal as a gift please,clips,scans on request,1st class standard inc,recorded £2.25,special £6.50