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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. The stuff you got off pete came from my collection when i sold it cheap to him (when i say cheap,i mean i never got all the cash !).As for chains,i knew of at least 3 copies,2 of which i've owned,one was jv's copy ,the other came from dave raistrick circa 82
  2. The night gazfilled his honda civic with diesel
  3. wasnt this put out at the request of the mayor,this is your city,look after it sort of thing,strange label if i remember right
  4. Can u do really fast spins to it Grant !
  5. if you cant get isopropyl,try a cd lens cleaner,monitor cleaner,they are usually a mix of isopropyl & water.dont know if this work,never tried it ,but been told to use a decorators tack cloth first to get rid ingrained dust/dirt ,it contains an organic gum,leaves a residue but the iso will remove it .good luck Salmon
  6. i lent you a demo and got an issue back if i ever got it back at all cough all you want mick,where are you going to nowadays! ,be nice to catch up.Regards Salmon
  7. Pete thorpe did it for me ,i was into all the shite played at wigan,pete took me to one side & said thats not soul listen to these and lent me some records,WOW,his knowledge of all things soulfull was and still is amazing,more into his deep stuff now .If you ask any of the big boys from mecca\wigan era they will know Pete as a quiet unassuming guy with encyclopeadic knowledge,remember him putting me onto james lately on temple in 81\2 and giving me a copy .Last i heard he was living in glostershire ,div commander of fire brigade.Would love to hear from him again
  8. Was that your school duffle coat Derek
  9. let me know the next nite you going to and we'll catch up. same gill,used to fancy her like mad
  10. Hi grant,salmon from rochdale,still chuckle about those pants.Do you still see cheesy,used to bump into gill at stafford,on a sadder note Ross died in 99,didnt know if you knew,frosty went weird and moved to york & i'm still a fat bastard
  11. About time they got the recognition they deserve inthe uk,after all wasnt bobby eli inducted into the black music hall of fame in the early 70's and he's white & jewish(harthon/dynodynamics house band guitarist)
  12. Anyone got contact details for either of the soul twats. Salmon
  13. Oracles at stafford to pete lawson £25,also same night complete arctic collection also to pete £200 ,which i got in dribs & drabs,but that was just pete wasnt it,any idea what oracles sells for now?
  14. Im with pete on this,the quantity & quality of the good stuff played by far outweighed the crap.A lot people who went did so to get wrecked(remember all the probs with barbs) & didnt give a toss what they were dancing to.
  15. Old Butch fascinators c/u ?
  16. Is that the flip of fall down on my knees?
  17. Andrew southworth(gis),did have good taste due to his mentors ,Molloy ,Lawson, Kellet et al,was told he sold up to concentrate on his work,he was some kind of geologist,jocko may be able help further.No idea about Louie,but agree sound guy with good knowledge,used to knock about with Hovis.Salmon
  18. I'm fine Tim ,hope you are ,i found a small box of about40 in the loftduring a house move,totally forgottenabout !,flicked thru & found your old ronnie savoyan a couple of things on blue cat,sorry but im hanging to em ,their all iv'e got left northern wise .Nice to hear from ,take care.Salmon
  19. its along swim up that river ,dodging grizzly's,too old for this
  20. who you calling old!,nurse it's time for my colonic
  21. sound clip of the woodlouse pls or has sam got it coverd

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