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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. Do you remamber les from runcorn,yoused to do really really fast spins ,if pilled up you used to think his feet actually left the floor
  2. there alright in their own genre,the first three i would class as rnb/blues,which i love ,the ruby & romantics was an old wigan spin,methinks?,thanks for the clips
  3. My mistake ,without binoculars,i cant tell the diff between gilly and dim,as on your last pic
  4. northern soul popular peoples liberations front,larks tongues in aspic anyone
  5. pm with your address ill burn you acopy of roxio and nero
  6. Agree wholeheatedly with your comments ,but at the moment younger people are being lured onto the scene with modern,crossover, tent?,new releases"not that that i dont like some of it ",and are firmly convinced that they are into northern soul without recognising the history of the scene.Every music scene must have its movers and shakers,searling at wigan,Ady in london,dave withers from my neck of the woods,keb &guy at stafford,gary rushbrooke,rob marriot. ,the list is endless.if you want to be part of this beautifull scene you must recognise the evolution
  7. What about Loyd
  8. Winnie,the point i was trying to make was,some people ,after seeing totp,just went to wigan for a nosey,or turned out of nightclubs at 2pm cos there was nowhere to go,some got bored and went home ,some were gripped by the atmosphere and stayed.if you looked at the casino's membership you could nearly fill the new wembley if they all turned up at once,but they didnt ,a fleeting glimpse was all most wanted ,no commitment,no traipsing all over the country to hear the music,spending money you could ill afford,I investigated Va Va's in 73 and was instantly hooked.Although i rarely venture out now i still consider myself a soulboy.on the investigation point ,look at th emergence of london"i hate typing that word" as a place for northern soul in the 80s,sure ther were stalwarts like Ady,Clarky,Tony Rounce,ANdy Rix,Randy Couzens,but it was a very limited scene until it got media coverage and everybody investigated,now everybody with a mockney accent has been inti for years :angry:
  9. surely thats Kim Molloy's nose
  10. Very underated soul instrument the flute
  11. i think it created a bit of a media frenzy,which led to a lot of people investigating the scene further,some stayed and expanded their knowledge of soul music,some fell by the wayside ,going back to chicken in a basket tiffany's,this seems to be the case with all "underground music genre's" ,cant say it did a lot for me ,i was on the scene already,but the influence it had was not altogether a negative one.IMHO.Salmon
  12. Used to have a nice NZ coral demo
  13. Now how did i know youd respond to this Grant
  14. agrre on this Pete ,punk band ,political lyrics,brilliant liveawesome sound unless it was one of foxtons somgs,f*** all to do with soul in any shape or form
  15. Oxygen mask's and defibrillators at every venue
  16. Lso on cd
  17. he now produces billy conolly what with "good thing going"as well,he must have soul
  18. Asin phil coulter?
  19. in that case The mighty fall"grotesque"
  20. 17,all amphetamines and beer towels
  21. Someones in a grumpy mood this morning
  22. Theresone on e bay at the moment mate,no bids last time i looked,some blurb about misspelt label,lendo instesd of lando.Salmon

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