Winnie,the point i was trying to make was,some people ,after seeing totp,just went to wigan for a nosey,or turned out of nightclubs at 2pm cos there was nowhere to go,some got bored and went home ,some were gripped by the atmosphere and stayed.if you looked at the casino's membership you could nearly fill the new wembley if they all turned up at once,but they didnt ,a fleeting glimpse was all most wanted ,no commitment,no traipsing all over the country to hear the music,spending money you could ill afford,I investigated Va Va's in 73 and was instantly hooked.Although i rarely venture out now i still consider myself a soulboy.on the investigation point ,look at th emergence of london"i hate typing that word" as a place for northern soul in the 80s,sure ther were stalwarts like Ady,Clarky,Tony Rounce,ANdy Rix,Randy Couzens,but it was a very limited scene until it got media coverage and everybody investigated,now everybody with a mockney accent has been inti for years :angry: