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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. didnt he pronounce it "YOWTH"
  2. Dave Withers stall on bury market,global(if they'd let you in)tony justin the underground market,shudehill market,bbc radio manchester when they had a clear out.ahhh the good old days Sorry didnt read the post properly,this was later ,got carried away
  3. He was just a journo,his visits to venues were just for material for his column,he went on to write about other things he pretended to be interested in.Inever saw him at tiffs
  4. val was a doo wop collector,before his obsession overtook him,but as per previous quote dont bother going ,the man knows his stuff,he grew up with the guy's that made the philly sound
  5. I;ll give it a try in rochdale,good luck mate
  6. he's always been ornery,remember turning up on his doorstep"his old shop" one morning at 7 ,after a flight from new york and being told f*** off we dont open till ten
  7. sounds like loads of other records sellotaped together
  8. how mutch is the reserve on your grannie Rod
  9. You forgot to mention funny as f*** Pete
  10. Why didnt he stop moping about,and get hammered and shag loads of fit birds,thats what i did when the first wife pissed me off ,im on the fourth now ,diagnosed as having very low bitch threshold
  11. Absolute bollocks , but then according to one seller on e bay dave dee,dozy beaky mick and titch is northern soul ,gonna put all the wifes yes albums on as mega rare northern soul(stafford) and see what happens
  12. k'inell gash,when i worked on the rigs,we used to get dropped by heli,do you have to make your own way back now?
  13. What a class tune ,should have been massive
  14. pm it please Kirsty,it'llbe shock to him that i'm still alive,had a nice chat with kellet after lewis gave him my no
  15. thought he was shopping for his kids,what "santa goofed and fell off the roof" Chokers finest
  16. God ,Ive not heard bonnie miller since 77,sound clip mate please
  17. remember buying my oracles offButch at stafford,when gary still had it covered(£25!)and asking "do i have to keep it covered" "do what the f*** you want with it ,you just paid for it ,i've got another two" and later covering "love in my heart" as the ambassadors myself and nobody twigged
  18. indeed a top lad ,remamber him getting a larry laster for a fiver off a big list,when it was massive(yorkshire git,had a baby face and manships buisness sense)Is he in oz now Joan?
  19. Always loved arctic issues
  20. didnt mean to ofend .he was a bit older than you and cheesey and the rest in the stockport corner,is it my memory fading but i thought he could do the buissiness,i know he was a hairdresser,but me and him and ross got into some battles at various venues,got battered most times ,butt what the hey,just wondered if you knew what what he is up to now Salmon
  21. you could never have a personality clash with Pete ,you never knew which one he was using at the time

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