Try finding a copy of royal five"aint no big thing",JimmyBishop "a blackman".DeeDee Barnes(sharpe),(do what you wanna do) ,or the lane relations ,brockinton choral ensemble,or mary de loach,thse where hard to find back in the day
Now thats RARE,iv'e had a complete arctic collection inc albums and never paid more than £10 except jokes on you,billy floyd,herb johnson,&70,50 & 25 respectively,was a while ago
Stuart,i still remember you doing the twist to "doctor of love" at one of the boxing day do's,laugh, i nearly shat,you need to get pawsey on here Salmon
Also released on daran as samuel moore and, the chi's tnt's,who let you over the border into god's country? run out of sheep did you.Best Wishes Salmon
Dont think so Mel,Manship had an acetate on his auction recently and said it was somethin' to do with soussan(if i remember right),sorry about thedelay posting the book.Good article on van in Dave Moore's mag.