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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. Someone grab the fran oliver,your giving it away at that price
  2. Who got the sacred four that was on e-bay ?
  3. Bette McLaurin,top tune ,one through the post this morning
  4. Giz & Stan in the corner
  5. & Dim Dave Lawton
  6. Tim Finch staring at the combinations
  7. Benny Turner-Love Me -M-Pac 7215 Majors-Lost In A City-Big Three 403 King Earnest-I Feel Alright-Barry 1005 Chuck Kenwood-Thats The Time-Night Owl 1005 PM with cond & price please
  8. audio disc acatate'offers by pm
  9. Ex copy of this rarity up for grabs,Offers/trades by PM please.Scan & Clip Attached
  10. To all friends,old & new,merry christmas & A happy new year ATB Salmon
  11. Want a m- to ex copy of lost love on carnival,pm with price & cond Thanks Salmon SORTED
  12. with you on that Tez
  13. Did you get sorted with this ?
  14. good tunes on this,anyone got a listing
  15. hey up Bri ,Bell Bros Superb,someone grab itbefore the price starts rising
  16. You paid for the chippy & bought a record off me,all in the same night:lol:
  17. soulsalmon

    joyann & salmon

    Joyann & dave Rimmer wannabe
  18. very Cheap,Sold my Last One Recently For £85
  19. the musette is orange with black text
  20. Eamesy's got a sonny craver in sales for 185
  21. two quid & Sandras map of bradford
  22. 30 bob for the lot Trendy
  23. Looking for a copy of "i Think About Love"-bee tee Thanks Salmon
  24. Mark,go back in wants there was one on last week,might have been Mark Whitely but not sure,great tune ,not well known at all

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