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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. sold removed ,one added
  2. Guy at Stafford if i remember right
  3. Jackey Beavers-bring me all your heartaches-grandland,m-,£100 Laura Green-don deopo-way out,M-,stkr on flip,£150 (rare ,almost unkown) Aalon Butler-got to be something-pkc,M,£85 Lenis Guess-for all youve been-dpg,M-,£65 Majors-lost in a city-big three,Ex,£175 (cream label) Masters-i need your love-crimson,Ex,£80 (light biro on lbl) Phil Orsi-love is slipping away-sonic,M-,£60 Ray & Dave-wrong ,wrong,wrong-mica,M-,£75 Bud Harper-wherever you were-peacock dj,Ex,£175 Four Darlings-your love is amazing-forte,Ex,£125 Danny Moore-somebody new-allrite,M-,£45(stamped orig) Emanuel Laskey-peace loving man-thelma,Vg+,£85 Donald Ray & The Solid Sound-i think about love-bee & tee,M-,Offers,very rare,old Carl Willingham Spin Eddie Foster-togther-ocampo,Ex,£175 Four Hollidays-i'll walk right out that door-markie,Ex,£65,rare detroit Fran Oliver-next time you see me-sonar,Ex,£100 Stan Devereaux-sad tomorrows-sujay,Ex,£125 (flip jumps but its shite anyway) Decisions-icant forget about you sussex dj ,M-,£50 Van Dykes-save my love for a rainy day-mala,demo,vinyl paper label copy,£200 Trades welcome,open to sensible offers on all payment by paypal as a gift only please P & P,1st class recorded included,special delivery £6 outside uk ,i'll quote you most are in refosoul,but if not pm me and i'll send a clip thanks Salmon
  4. remember Click ?,remember him telling me,he'd done a chemist's,got loads of good stuff,inc a big jar of green & clears,buried it ,got nicked the day after,got 3 years,when he came out ,went back to dig it up,they'd built a bypass over it
  5. You remember his gear detector mate ?,piss funny
  6. Good call on all of them Julie
  7. Van dykes-save my love-mala paper label vinyl demo,M-,£225 bud harper-whevere you where-peacock d,Ex.£200 four darlings-your love is amazing-forte,Ex,£175 (on andy dysons list for £250 ) billy bass-i'm coming to -philly groove wd,M-,£60 sheila ferguson-how did that happen-landa,M-,£75 laura green-don deopo-way out,M-,£175 sound clips & scans on request (most on refosoul ) paypal only please,free p &p 1st class recorded,sd extra trades or offers welcome Cheers Salmon
  8. cant go wrong with Stevie Green tips or Gilly's
  9. Rare item,but the guy had five copies
  10. The Aalon Butler is a steal at that price,grab it quick
  11. Anyone ?
  12. Ray Agee-I'm losing again,awesome
  13. have a look on GEMM for the lee williams,seen a few recently,Moerer has copies but a bit pricey
  14. Van Dykes-Save My Love For A Rainy Day-Mala.paper label, vinyl demo,stone mint,,£225 Bud Harper-Wherever You Were-Peacock dj,Ex,£200 Four Darlings-Your Love Is Amazing-Forte,Ex £175(Andy Dyson has a vg copy for £250) Sheila Ferguson-How Did That Happen-Landa,M-,£80 open to offers on all Paypal only as a gift Trades welcome Thanks Salmon van dykes 6.mp3 bud harper.mp3 four darlings.mp3 sheila ferguson.mp3
  15. Four Darlings,awesome tune,just started to play it out again
  16. Top read indeed mate,you having Burnley ?
  17. Echo that,top tunes
  18. Sold months ago,Butch had one for sale a while back
  19. info@blackaacoustics.co.uk,kiel morris is the guy to speak to,they didnt supply the strap just the d-rings,got the strap from B&Q, a hardware chain over here
  20. Have you asked blacka about the handle ,they may be able to do it for you otherwise it would mean you drilling the rivets out &re-riveting have you got a link to odessy
  21. the spring handles are a lot more comfortable than swans,plus i had to have the shoulder strap as i'm partially disabled,,if you contact blacka,ask to speak to Kiel
  22. Decisions is awesome both sides,been playing this recently,loads of people asking about it
  23. Walter scott is bob kuban isnt he ?,thats what i was told from a reliable source

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