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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. I thought you were knitted by the elven folk & left as a changeling on some doorstep
  2. Jaywalkers-got my own thing going-selsum,Ex,swol,£75 (in manships rarest of the rare) Eddie Bo-from this day on-seven b,M-,£65 (so close to mint) Riverias-you counterfeit girl-rileys,Ez+,£125 Calvin Williams-lonely you'll be-northern de la,Ex.£65 (best version) Eddie Foster-together-ocampo,Ex,£150 Ususal script ,paypal as a gift or bank transfer, 1st class recorded £2,special del £6 ,offers welcome as long as there not silly,scans /soundclips available on request Cheers Salmon
  3. Singers-just a little bit further-lebam,Ex,sol,£20 Four Tees-like my baby-vj,Ex,£20 Big Dee Irwin-you really are together-fairmount,M-,£35 Johnny Wyatt-any kind of love/hang up the phone-challenge wd,xol,Ex-,£45 Janice Weaver-what you want-phillips wd,vinyl Ex ,lbl tear.£25 Jimmy Beaumont-feel like i'm falling in love-bang,Ex,drill hole,£25 Impressions-we're rolling on-abc,M-,£20 Royal Jokers-nickel,3dimes & one quarter-keldon,M-,£45 Fantastiks-live & let live/cry night & day-forte,M-,£40 Annette Poindexter-you'll get it right back-brena,M-,£20 Carl Holmes-sad lonely eyes-verve dj,M-,£25 Little Eddie Woods-is it so wrong-comet wd,Ex,£45 Dynamite Sheenie-i dont wanna love you-starbound,M-,£30 James Bryant-hey there you girl-renee wd,Ex,£35 Ususal script ,paypal as a gift or bank transfer, 1st class recorded £2 ,offers/ trades welcome as long as there not silly,scans /soundclips available on request Cheers Salmon
  4. Hang on to paul johnson for me matey
  5. Always loved freddie parris
  6. well said young man
  7. Brad Hales (mr blue on here) in detroit has a pro warp straightner,charges a fee,safest way
  8. Jaywalkers-got my own thing going-selsum,Ex,wol,£100 £75 (in manships rarest of the rare) Barbara Mason-bobby is my baby-arctic,Ex,£25 £20 SOLD Diamond Soul-diamond soul-max davis,M-,£125 £100 (shit rare,advertising for a jewellery company) Joe Mathews-sorry aint good enough-thelma,Ex,£35 £30 Kelly brothers-crying days are over-sims,M-,£40 (getting lots of play recently) Argie & the Arketts-your the guy-ronnie,M-,£100 (forgotten late wigan spin) Danny Harrison-girl,girl,girl-coral dj,Stone mint,£50 SOLD Chuck Bernard-my baby-satellite wd,Ex-,£40 As above but issue,£30 Contessas-keep on keeping on-E,M-,£40 Jackie Paine-go go train-jetstream,Ex,drill hole,£20 Betty Turner-be careful girl-liberty demo,vinyl ex,slight lable damage,nowt major,£40 SOLD Foxy & the Seven Hounds-mirror mirror/listen listen-wiseworld,Ex,slight biro on lbl,£60 SOLD (if you dont know this, search for it,brilliant double sider from chigago,stafford spins) Gloria Parker-best thing for you baby-samar,M-,£65 Lazy Susans-if you love me/i give in-kapp wd,M-,£50 Roy Smith-very strong on you-liberty demo,slight label damage,Ex.£50 Parliaments-a new day begins/i'll wait-atco wd,M-,£30 (fantastic double header,pure detroit) Soul Four -misery-ringo,Ex,xol,£65 (relatively unknown,haunting vocals on this uptempo number) Little Frankie Lee-i gotta come back-peacock dj ,M-,£70 (old stafford spin,stormer) Theresa Lindsay-good idea/its love-correc-tone wd,Ex+,Offers £175 (detroit magic,both sides,so hard to find on a demo) Johnny Dixon-where are you-sport,Ex,,£55 Cynthia & Imaginations-something the matter/is there anyone-magic city,Ex,£40 (brill detroit double header) Tony Diamond-dont turn away-blue rock wd,Vg++,vinyl ex,labels a bit scruffy(but we dont play the labels) £85 ON HOLD Hustlers-thats what makes her boss-fascination,M-,£65 Otis Bush-so much love-cha cha,Ex,£35 Marty Thompson-whirlpool-sir ben,Ex,£85 (stafford stormer) Ronnie Savoy-pitfall-tuff wd,Ex,£65 Eddie Bo-from this day on-seven b,M-,£65 Stan Deveraux-no sad tomorrows-sujay.Vg++,£80 Aalon Butler-its got to be something-pkc,Stone mint ,never been played !,£50 Mac & Barb-hold me tighter-pyramid,Ex,£ 100 clips /scans available on request Ususal script ,paypal as a gift/bank transfer, 1st class recorded included,special del £6 ,offers/ trades welcome as long as there not silly Cheers Salmon Edited by soulsalmon, Yesterday, 10:32 AM. started out with nothing & still got most of it left
  9. do you not think thats a bit high tech for Steve
  10. you got a link to that mate ?
  11. Only ever seen Butch's copy
  12. Still a hard one to get mate,you got one ?
  13. Madness,same people chasing the same records,wouldnt give you a fiver for it,not even fit to be framed
  14. me neither Pete in 35 years
  15. Got £50 for my issue a few weeks back
  16. Jaywalkers-got my own thing going-selsum,Ex,wol,£100 (in manships rarest of the rare) Barbara Mason-bobby is my baby-arctic,Ex,£25 Diamond Soul-diamond soul-max davis,M-,£125 (shit rare,advertising for a jewellery company) Joe Mathews-sorry aint good enough-thelma,Ex,£35 Kelly brothers-crying days are over-sims,M-,£40 (getting lots of play recently) Argie & the Arketts-your the guy-ronnie,M-,£100 (forgotten late wigan spin) Danny Harrison-girl,girl,girl-coral dj,Stone mint,£50 SOLD Chuck Bernard-my baby-satellite wd,Ex-,£40 As above but issue,£30 Contessas-keep on keeping on-E,M-,£40 Jackie Paine-go go train-jetstream,Ex,drill hole,£20 Betty Turner-be careful girl-liberty demo,vinyl ex,slight lable damage,nowt major,£40 Foxy & the Seven Hounds-mirror mirror/listen listen-wiseworld,Ex,slight biro on lbl,£60 (if you dont know this, search for it,brilliant double sider from chigago,stafford spins) Gloria Parker-best thing for you baby-samar,M-,£65 Lazy Susans-if you love me/i give in-kapp wd,M-,£50 Roy Smith-very strong on you-liberty demo,slight label damage,Ex.£50 Parliaments-a new day begins/i'll wait-atco wd,M-,£30 (fantastic double header,pure detroit) Soul Four -misery-ringo,Ex,xol,£65 (relatively unknown,haunting vocals on this uptempo number) Little Frankie Lee-i gotta come back-peacock dj ,M-,£70 (old stafford spin,stormer) Theresa Lindsay-good idea/its love-correc-tone wd,Ex+,Offers (detroit magic,both sides,so hard to find on a demo) Ususal script ,paypal as a gift, 1st class recorded included,special del £6 ,offers trades welcome as long as there not silly Cheers Salmon
  17. Always found them to be a bit lightweight,the blakka ones as i said bomb proof ,you can feel the quality when you pick it up,had a custom 150 count box made to my spec,d rings for shoulder strap,£50
  18. Whats art putty Dave ?

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