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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. Oscar Wright-fell in love-fairmount dj,M-,£85 £75 SOLD Calvin Williams-lonely youl be-northern de la,vG+++,£50 £45 Gloria Parker-best thing for you baby-samar,M-,£50 £45 Enjoyables-push a little harder-capitol,Ex,£75 £60 usual script,1st class inc,recorded £2.sd £6
  2. one here mate e-bay item number270836162063
  3. Spot on there Dave
  4. That was deep mate
  5. Oscar Wright-fell in love-fairmount dj,M-,£85 Calvin Williams-lonely youl be-northern de la,vG+++,£50 Gloria Parker-best thing for you baby-samar,M-,£50 Enjoyables-push a little harder-capitol,Ex,£75 usual script,1st class inc,recorded £2.sd £6
  6. Spyder for me awesome
  7. cloth ears
  8. Cheers Pete
  9. Let me know what you have to trade
  10. no mate,GS107,i'll be hanging on/i can really satisfy GS 106 blushing bride/giving my love to you Blushing bride was also issued on atco retitled land of broken hearts,exactly the same as the green sea release
  11. someone was after a copy of this recently,just found my copy ,anybody wants a copy ,give us a shout,mods please feel free to move to the right forum
  12. i've been playing it for a while,along with blushing bride
  13. Same here,even my parents started calling me salmon
  14. you've got mail
  15. PM'D you Des
  16. Thats the one Bob,
  17. Robs was by purple mist,if memory serves,whoops to slow again
  18. The Sound Of Philadelphia-Tony Cummings( 1975,never repressed and still holds up to this day.top book,was chatting to Bobby Eli about this only the other day,theres a bit where Bobby was inducted into the black music hall of fame,the organisers didnt realise he was a white jewish guy
  19. Larry Birdsong is awesome ,been playing it for the past couple of years,yet to have its day
  20. Came out on another label different artist credited,Phill Sheilds has one
  21. Johnny Wyatt-hang up the phone/any kind of love-challenge wd,Ex,x on lble,£30 Big Dee Irwin-you really are together-fairmount,M-,£35 Renee Perri-i aim to please-soulville,Ex,£40 Dolores Hall-good lovin man-keymen,Vg+,£25 Larry Birdsong-somebody help me-sur speed,Ex,£40 Gwen Stewart-you took me for a fool/i thought it over-call me,M-,£55 Lonnie & Floyd-what you gonna do-jewel,M-,£35 Art Grayson-better hush-congress wd,Ex,£35 Jackie & the Starlights-you put one over on me-fire & fury,M-, £75 (brilliant semi known) Dobie Gray-my baby-charger-M-,£25 (on of his better efforts ) Eddie Holman-she's beautiful-don el,Vinyl ex,x on lbl,slight tear,£45 Johnny Dixon-where are you-sport,Ex,£65 Dynells-just a face in the crowd/c'mon little darling-natural,,Ex,swol,£30 Volcanos-storm warning-arctic wd,vinyl ex,lbl autographed by Johnny Styles,Luther Randolph,Weldon McDougal,£75 Fred Hughes-walk on back to you-exodus,M-,£30 Casinos-thats the way-airtown,Ex,£30 Andy Butler-coming apart at the seams-tangerine,M-,£30 Gene Chandler-think nothing about it-constellation,Vg+,wol,ring wear,£25 Brenda Duff-got to get to know you-casino wd,M-,£50 (dome spin for Dave Flynn) Melvin Carter-teacher of love-peacock,M-,£40 Joe Moore-hang right in there-tru glo town,Ex,light label fade,£85 Usual script folks,1st class inc,recorded £2,sd £6,paypal as a gift,bank transfer,sound files/scans on request,always open to offers/trades Cheers Salmon

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