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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. negations with yorksire folk have proved to be fruitless(tight arsed fuckers)..i'll be there,best blow the moths of your wallet
  2. Steelers-get it from the bottom-date,M-,£40,cleanest copy i've seen,needs more plays Fran Oliver-next time you see me-sonar,Ex,£85,stafford anthem,dirty soul at its best Billy Bass-i'm coming too-philly groove,M-,£55,seen loads of demo's,first issue i've had Soul Four-misery-ringo,Ex,£55,semi known gem Enjoyables-push a little harder-capitol,Ex,£75 Blockbusters-muddy pt 2-rockin,Ex,£60,massive instrumental Lucy Hayes-done it again/laugh away the tears-teen town demo,M-,£70,this has got the lot,stunning mid tempo one side,dynamite uptempo on the flip,miss it at your peril Pnil Orsi-love is slipping away-sonic,M-,£60,sublime chicago James Arnold-your chain of love-je-eeca,M-,£110,Andy Dyson spin,awesome SOLD usual script paypal as a gift/bank transfer only,standard1st class free,1st recorded £2,special del £6,i wont be responsible for untraceable items once posted,sound files/scans available on request,trades.offers welcome,looking for a clean copy of Sunny Carrington on deep.Buy now in time for xmas cheers Salmon
  3. Trades on the Paul Johnson ?
  4. Mac & Barb-hold me tighter-pyramid,Ex,£160 stormer from stafford Dont Use Me-ray pettis=exodus,Ex,£45 dirty soul from chicago Marty Thompson-whirlpool-sir ben,Ex,£100 old Keb stormer ffrom stafford Hustlers-that makes her boss,fascination,M-,£50 James Arnold-your chain of love-Je-EccaM-,£130 Andy Dyson spin Roy Smith-very strong on you-liberty demo,,Ex vinyl.small label tear,£45 Millionaires-i thought about you-bunny,Ex,£40 Paypal as a gift ,all open to trades/offers Usual script,1st class standard,inc,1st class recorded £2,special del £6 clips & scans available on request
  5. After a clean copy of i keep trying/we got love-exodus,cash /trades
  6. Just tried to pm you regarding gwen stewart,got an ex copy for£65 all in
  7. Delco's-arabia-showcase(red)M-,£40 Lonnie & Floyd-what you gonna do-jewel,M-,£35 brilliant semi known double sider Chuck Thomas-what happened baby-band box,Ex(has hairline crack from centre to 15cm of label,nap)£45 Andy Butler-coming apart at the seams-tangerine,M-,£40 So close to mint SoulFour-misery-ringo,Ex,£50 haunting mid tempo,finally picking up the plays it deserves Arrivals-woman& child-lummtone,M-,£30 Bob Meyer-youve got to tell me-lawn wd,Vinyl-Ex,heavy marker on lbl,£20 Lazy Susans-if you love me-kapp wd,M-,£55 Melvin Carter-teacher of love-peacock,M-,£45 stafford spin Casinos-thats the way-airtown,M-£40 A Few British that a mate has asked me to sell for him,no idea about prices,all are Vg++ at least,so make me an offer single items muliples or the lot. Little hank-mr bang bang man-monument immpresions youve been cheating/cant satisfy-stateside betty everett-getting mighty crowded-president Supremes-where did our love go-stateside usual script on p&p,1st class inc,1st class recorded £2.special del £6,paypal as a gift please sound files,scans on request Thanks Salmon
  8. Didnt Traci Borges try the same a while ago ?
  9. Of all my top wants are all under £50
  10. Tramiki supplies in cornwall ,ex service,free del
  11. Always been a hard one to find,i got lucky bagged a demo & issue on thesame day,will keep my eyes open for you
  12. looks like something Mace has knocked up in his shed
  13. Theresa Lindsay-its love/good idea- correc tone wd,marker on labels (see scan) very rare on a wd,vynil ex+,£175 ono.Paypal as a gift /bank transfer,postage standard 1st class inc,recorded £2,special del £6
  14. not played the other side,have to dig it out,was released on a french ep as well
  15. certainly is Martin,still got this with orig sleeve
  16. Fell in Love=fairmount demo,M-,£125 ono,never seen a demo before let alone in this nick Paypal as a gift/bank transfer Thanks Salmon
  17. This is my thing-soulful,ex at least please,cash/trades Cheers Salmon
  18. Jaywalkers- got my ownthing going-selsom-,Vg++,£65 Little Leon & the Hawks-he dont love & he'll break your heart-Atco,M-,£45 Equator-send my baby back to me-equator,£25 brilliant yet to have its day in the sun daydreams-the lovin side-dial wd-Ex,£45 stroking femme soul Troy mars-rhythm message-sureshot,M-,£35 old stafford item,awesome peaches-baby thinky it over-concrellation,Wd,Ex+,£35 real double header with music to my eras on the flip Apollas-mr creator-wb,Ex+,£55,bb hole SOLD (would be M- without the drill hole) Little Frankie Lee-i gotta come back-peacock,M-,£50 Argie & the Arkets=your the guy-ronnie,M-,£75 Marvellos-somethings burning-loma,Ex,small wol,£40 SOLD Dialtones-if you dont know-dial wd,£50 (just getting the plays it deserves) Landy McNeal-counting on you- columbia wd,M-,£35 Summits-sophisticated lady-la salle,Vg++,£45 ( burnley spin) The Echomen-talk is cheap-sheila,M-,£45 ( this is being played c/u at a few venues ) Usual script folks ,1st class free,recorded "2,SP £6 always open to offer trades thanks salmon
  19. Apollas-mr creator-wb,Ex+,£55,bb hole (would be M- without the drill hole) Little Frankie Lee-i gotta come back-peacock,M-,£55 Argie & the Arkets=your the guy-ronnie,M-,£75 Marvellos-somethings burning-loma,Ex,small wol,£40 SOLD Dialtones-if you dont know-dial wd,£50 (just getting the plays it deserves) Landy McNeal-counting on you- columbia wd,M-,£35 Summits-sophisticated lady-la salle,Vg++,£45 ( burnley spin) The Echomen-talk is cheap-sheila,M-,£45 ( this is being played c/u at a few venues ) P & P £2, £6 special d, 1st class is included,scans/clips on request paypal as a gift/bank transfer,prefer i ban,had loads of trouble with paypal recentely
  20. James Arnold-your chain of love-je eeca,M-,£125 Pay Pettis-dont use me-exodus,-,£35 Chancellors-every body got to loose someone sometime-el cid,M-,£65 Fran Oliver-next time you see me-sonar,Ex+,£70 Riverias-you counterfeit girl-rileys,Ex+,£120 paypal as a gift/bank transfer,!st class inc,recorded £2,sd £6 always open to offers Cheers Salmon
  21. Steelers-get it from the bottom,$7,inc p&p
  22. Dave Withers/Rod Shard,always turned up the good stuff

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