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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. top tune fron the rules man Listen on Soundcloud.com virgil-blanding
  2. Jaywalkers-got my own thing going-selsum,Ex-,xol,£65 Johnny Wyatt-any kind of love-challenge wd,Ex,xol,£30 Andy Mack-later than you think-chess,Ex-,£35 Masters-i need your love-crimson-Ex,wol,£65 Gene Chandler-think nothing about it-constellation,Vg,wol,£15 Jammers-where can she run to-loma wd,M-,£20 Headliners-your bad news-v.i.p.,M-,£45 Hustlers-thats what makes her boss-fascination,M-,£60 Marty Thompson-whirlpool-sir ben,Ex,£80 Dynamite Sheenie-dont want to love you-starbound,M-,£25 Bobby & The Premiers-gotta be a reason-souled out,M-,£30 Chuck Thomas-what happened baby-bandbox,would be M- but has a 1cm crack from centre hole ,not on playing surface,£30 Andy Butler-coming apart at the seams-tangerine,M-,£20 Arrivals-woman & child-lummtone,M-,£30 Ray Pettis-dont use me-exodus,M-,£40 Casino's-thats the way-airtown,M-,£25 Pacesetters-victim of loneliness-Ex-,£60 Contessa's-i keep on keepin on-E,M-£35 Johnny Watson-i'd rather be your baby-okeh wd,Mint,£40 Lucy Hayes-i did it again-teentown-M-,£40 Aalon Butler-got to be something-pkc,mint,£50 Fenton Robinson-your cracking me up -giant,Vg+,£40 Dynells-just a face in the crowd-natural,M-,£30 Blockbusters-muddy pt2-rockin,M-,£30 Mac & Barb-hold me tighter-pyramid,Ex,£175 Gil Blanding-you turn me around-verve dj,M-,£30 Kell Osborne-just cant outsmart a woman-loma wd,Vg +,£50 Joe Moore-hang right in there baby-tru glow town,M-,£65 Little Hank-mr bang bang man-monument uk,M-,£25 Usual script folks,paypal as a gift,bank transfer,p & p £2 recorded/signed for,special del £6 always open to trades offers. Cheers Salmon
  3. Retails @£400 ?,hardly a retail item,well dodgy Pete
  4. Thanks Kev
  5. Anyone got a full mp3 of i go out of my mind,the TM acetate,dont think i've heard it all the way through. cheers Salmon
  6. Ronnie Taylor-i cant take it-nassau (Local release before revilot),M-,£30 Don Varner-sweetest story-south camp wd,swol,Ex,£55(one of his best ) Jimmy Richards-i wont be responsible-a&m wd,vinyl ex,sticker on lbl,£30 sold Johnny Dixon-where are you-boss,Ex,£50 Little Leon-i cant let her go-mutt,M-,£30 (one of the best on the label ) Stan Devereaux-sad tomorrows-sujay,Ex (flip knackered but its shit anyway ),£70 (old Ion spin ) The Soul Four-misery-ringo,Ex,x on lbl (haunting semi known ) £65 Fantastiks-cry night & day-forte,M-,£35,brill double sider Royal Jokers-nickel,3 dimes and 5 quarters-keldon,M-,£40 Summits-sophisticated lady-la salle,Ex-,£60 Little Hank-mr bang bang man-uk monument.Ex,£20 sold Blockbusters-muddy pt2-rockin,M-,£35 Usual script folks,paypal as a gift,all include 1st standard post (no comebacks if you choose this option ) 1 st class recorded/signed for £2,special del £6. Trades /offers welcome ATB Salmon
  7. Mac & Barb-hold me tighter-pyramid,Ex,Offers please
  8. Is this the acetate Barrie Wad found ?
  9. Sleeve notes from one of his albums plus a mate who spoke to him many times,he lived over here for a long time,halifax i think
  10. Its on I-Player John
  11. Not much known about her,can tell you she was the daughter of champion jack dupree,the barrel house blues pianist
  12. Sunny Carrington-girl every guy should know-deep,£8,awesome tune
  13. Good to see this thread resurrected,three from me dolores hall-good lovin man-keymen blockbusters-muddy pt 2-rockin,storming instro jackie paine-go go train-jetstream
  14. got an ex copy ,how much where you thinking of paying,still playing this out
  15. Levi style leather jacket to go,bought this in 81,seen some action on the scene,still immaculate condition,size l-xl,heavy duty hide,can post at cost but its quite heavy,prefer collection from north manchester.£75 ono
  16. Levi style leather jacket to go,bought this in 81,seen some action on the scene,still immaculate condition,size l-xl,heavy duty hide,can post at cost but its quite heavy,prefer collection from north manchester
  17. sure the paper label mala ones are vinyl
  18. Edwin Johnson-aint that enough-post Connie Tanzell-dont knock me-soul clock Trades prefered as i'm as skint as everyone else
  19. Arctic for me,simple but effective
  20. Mark V Unlimited-gone-sagport,M-,£25 Baby Washington-i've got to break away-master 5,Ex,£20 Harry Deal-what am i gonna do-eclipse,M-,£30 Tambi Garret-leave a little love-ascot wd,Ex,£30 Tee Fletcher-walk on out/thank you baby-josie wd,M-,£40 Eddie Holman-she's beautiful-don el,Ex,xol£45 Dobie Gray-my baby-charger(his best),Ex,£25 Jackie Paine-go go train-jetstream,Ex drill hole,£20 Contessas-i keep keeping on -E,,M-£40 Jaywalkers-got my own thing going-selsom,Ex,wol,£60 james Arnold-your chain of love-je-eeca,M-,£125 all open to trades/offers,paypal as a gift,p&p rec £2,sd £6,will not post without some kind of tracking
  21. Or try Heywood,1st Fri of every month
  22. got a mint kelly bros @30 & alcon shades M- @50,or make me an offer on both mate ATB Salmon
  23. James Arnold - your chain of love-je-eeca.M-£95 ono best copy i've seen
  24. Its one of my wants Chris,will trade up to equivalent value

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