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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. anyone want to make me an on these ravenettes-since youve been gone-shurefine Jackie paine-go go traine-jetstream joe matthews-sorry aint good enough-thelma jammers-where can she run to-loma wd norvells-why do you want to make me sad-janis bossmen-i cant hide it-bussy bee rick & flloyd-baby you got me going-lasco singers-just a little further-lebam (small stkr on lbl ) ronnie taylor-i cant take it-nassau annette poindexter-youll get it right back-brena patti page-dont you pass me by-columdia heartstoppers-marching out of your life-all platinum frank butler-how i feel about you-space age winfield parker-sweet little girl-atco wd tempests-would you beleive-smash mamie galore-secret agent 34-24-38-st lawrence jimmy thomas-just trying to please you-mirwood wd jimmy beaumont-feel like i'm falling in love-bang dickie williams-you got a good thing going-ace postage at cost
  2. no idea on price,one went through e-bay recently for about $25
  3. All @ £20 all m- to ex unless stated ravenettes-since youve been gone-shurefine Jackie paine-go go traine-jetstream joe matthews-sorry aint good enough-thelma jammers-where can she run to-loma wd norvells-why do you want to make me sad-janis bossmen-i cant hide it-bussy bee rick & flloyd-baby you got me going-lasco singers-just a little further-lebam (small stkr on lbl ) ronnie taylor-i cant take it-nassau annette poindexter-youll get it right back-brena patti page-dont you pass me by-columdia heartstoppers-marching out of your life-all platinum frank butler-how i feel about you-space age winfield parker-sweet little girl-atco wd tempests-would you beleive-smash mamie galore-secret agent 34-24-38-st lawrence jimmy thomas-just trying to please you-mirwood wd jimmy beaumont-feel like i'm falling in love-bang dickie williams-you got a good thing going-ace paypal as a gift please,P & P £2 recorded,discount on multiples also got approx 150 northern cd's,too many to list,all in good nick,£60 ono,collection only on this (gtr manchester area ) cheers Salmon
  4. Are the label design the same on both ?
  5. Twas mate,once by willie & also hurriah boynton,both on llanor
  6. Have you got a ballpark figure on the willie mallory ?
  7. Andrew Brown-lets get together-4 brothers PM me if you have one to sell
  8. gis a job Phil
  9. Grab yourself a bargain,ignore prices,let me know what you want to pay Chuck Bernard-my baby-sattelite wd,VG++,£45 Ray Pettis-if i found love-teako,Ex,£55 Landy McNeal-counting on you-colunbia wd,M-,£40 Steve Alaimo-then i tripped over your goodbye-atco,Ex,BB hole,£30 The Hollidays-walk right out the door-markie,Vg +,£60 Riverias-you counterfeit girl-rileys,Ex,£100 Lucy Hayes-i've done it again/laugh away the tears-teen town dj,Ex,£50 (brill two sider) James Kelly Duhon-in scool-jude,Ex,£40 Calvin williams-lonely youll be-northern de la-Vg,£55 Joe Moore-hang right in there-tru glo town,Ex,slight label fade,£80 3 Degrees-driving me mad-swan wd,Ex,£65 Topics-she's so fine-carnival dj,M-,£75 Patti Page-dont you pass me by-columbia,Vg+,£25 Mary Love-let me know-modern wd,M-,£45 Mac & Barb-hold me tighter-pyramid,Vg++,£125 Charmaines-keep on searching-minit dj Ex,£50 Art Grayson-better hush-congress wd,Vg++,£45 Delacardos-she''s the one i love atlantic,Ex,drill hole,£25 Ruby Johnson-why do you want to leave me-nebs,Vg,£30 Larry Birdsong-somebody help me-sur speed,M-,£60 Joe Taylor-you dont love me-hmf,Ex,£35 Baby Washington-i've got to breakaway-master five,Ex,£25 Corvells-the jokes on me -cub,Vg,£30 Don Varner-sweetest story-south camp wd,Ex,swol,£60 Milton Harris-she's hurting me-mutt,Ex,£40 Pacesetters-victim of lonliness/my ship is coming in-mica,Vg+,£55 Enjoyables-push a little harder-capitol,Vg++,£75 Gwen Stewart-i thought it over/you took me for a fool-call me,M-,£55 Heartstoppers-marching out of your life-all platinum,Ex+,£25 Frank Butler-how i feel about you-spaceage,M-,£25 Jones Bros-your good lovin-silver,M-,£35 Elliot Small-stay in my heart-new sound,Ex,£40 Winfield Parker-sweet little girl-atco wd,Vg++,£25 Mr Jamo-you just aint ready-sss,Ex,dymo stkr on fliplbl,£35(little known dancer from jamo thomas ) Monroe Taylor-proud guy-chesapeake,M-,£50 Delcos-arabia-showcase,M-,£45 Lenis Guess-for all youve been-dpg,M-,£60 Theresa Lindsey-its love/good idea-correct tone wd,,Vinyl Ex,small marker on lbl,£100(v.rare wd ) Performers-i cant stop you-mirwood,M-,£45 Duff Thurmond-now that you left me-new voice,Ex,drill hole,£50 payment by paypal as a gift please,P & P £2 recorded/signed for,£6 special del,all open to trades/offers Clips /scans on request cheers Salmon Edited by soulsalmon, A minute ago.
  10. Jimmy Thomas-trying to please you-mirwood wd,M-,£20 Jimmy Beaumont-feel like i'm falling in love-bang,Ex,£20 Phil Orsi-love is slipping away-sonic,M-,£50 Headliners-your bad news-v.i.p.,M-,£35 Royal Jokers-nickel,3 dimes-keldon,m-,£35 Volcanos-storm warning-arctic wd,Ex,autographed by the dynodynamics teamAlan Pollards old copy,signatures can be verified,£40 Jammers-where can she run to-loma wd,M-,£20 Joe Mathews-sorry aint good enough-thelma,Vg++,£25 Jackie Paine-go go train-jetstream,Ex,bb hole,£20 Lou Rawls-breaking my back-capitol,Ex,£50(picking up spins) Bette McLaurin-as long as your mine-pulse,Vg+,£20 Ravenettes-since you've been gone-shurefine,M-,£30 Ronnie Savoy-pitfall-tuff wd,Ex,£50 Germs=im a teardrop-honor brigade,Ex,£15 Tempests-would you beleive-smash,Ex,£15 Precisions-instant heartbreak-drew,Ex,£15 Aalon Butler-got to be something-pkc Mamie Galore-agent 34-24-38-st lawrence,M,£15 Paypal as a gift to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com please,feel free to make an offer as i'm selling up,P&P recorded £2,sd £6
  11. Chuck Bernard-my baby-sattelite wd,VG++,£45 £40 Little Frankie Lee-i gotta come back to you-peacock,Ex,£75£60 Ray Pettis-if i found love-teako,Ex,£55 £45 Landy McNeal-counting on you-colunbia wd,M-,£40 £30 Steve Alaimo-then i tripped over your goodbye-atco,Ex,BB hole,£30 £20 Riverias-you counterfeit girl-rileys,Vg++,£100 £85 Lucy Hayes-i've done it again/laugh away the tears-teen town dj,Ex,£50 £35 (brill two sider) James Kelly Duhon-in scool-jude,Ex,£40 £30 Calvin williams-lonely youll be-northern de la-Vg,£55 £45 Joe Moore-hang right in there-tru glo town,Ex,slight label fade,£80 £65 3 Degrees-driving me mad-swan wd,Ex,£65 £55 Topics-she's so fine-carnival dj,M-,£75 £65 Patti Page-dont you pass me by-columbia,Vg+,£25 £15 Mary Love-let me know-modern wd,M-,£45 £35 Mac & Barb-hold me tighter-pyramid,Vg++,£125 £110 Spidells-pushed out of the picture-coral dj,Vg+,x on lbl,£75 £65 Charmaines-keep on searching-minit dj Ex,£50 £35 Additions Art Grayson-better hush-congress wd,Vg++,£45 £35 Ruby Johnson-why do you want to leave me-nebs,Vg,£30 £20 Bunny Shivel-top twenty-capitol,Ex,£25 £20 Joe Taylor-you dont love me-hmf,Ex,£35 £25 Baby Washington-i've got to breakaway-master five,Ex,£25 £15 Corvells-the jokes on me -cub,Vg,£30 £20 Don Varner-sweetest story-south camp wd,Ex,swol,£60 £50 Stan Deveraux-no sad tomorrows-sujay,Vg+,flip jumps,but its crap anyway,£60 £50 Bunny Shivel-top twenty-capitol,,Ex,£25 £20 Milton Harris-she's hurting me-mutt,Ex,£40 £35 Pacesetters-victim of lonliness/my ship is coming in-mica,Vg+,£55 £45 Enjoyables-push a little harder-capitol,Vg++,£75 £60 Latest additions Gwen Stewart-i thought it over/you took me for a fool-call me,M-,£55 £45 Troy Marrs-rhythm message-sureshot dj,Ex,£35 £25 Heartstoppers-marching out of your life-all platinum,Ex+,£25 £20 Frank Butler-how i feel about you-spaceage,M-,£25 £20 Jones Bros-your good lovin-silver,M-,£35 £30 Elliot Small-stay in my heart-new sound,Ex,£40 £30 Winfield Parker-sweet little girl-atco wd,Vg++,£25 £20 Mr Jamo-you just aint ready-sss,Ex,dymo stkr on fliplbl,£35 £25(little known dancer from jamo thomas ) Monroe Taylor-proud guy-chesapeake,M-,£50 £45 Delcos-arabia-showcase,M-,£45 £35 Lenis Guess-for all youve been-dpg,M-,£60 £50 Theresa Lindsey-its love/good idea-correct tone wd,,Vinyl Ex,small marker on lbl,£100 £75(v.rare wd ) Performers-i cant stop you-mirwood,M-,£45 £40 Duff Thurmond-now that you left me-new voice,Ex,drill hole,£50 £45 Looking to trade these on for 60's stuff,similar value or a bundle,let me know what you have,particularly looking for soul notes dont make me beg,eldees dont be afraid, toni & hearts back to school, cheers Salmon
  12. Try blacka acoustics Chalk,bomb proof,made to your spec,cant post a link,just google it
  13. Chuck Bernard-my baby-sattelite wd,VG++,£45 £40 Little Frankie Lee-i gotta come back to you-peacock,Ex,£75 £60 Ray Pettis-if i found love-teako,Ex,£55 £45 Landy McNeal-counting on you-colunbia wd,M-,£40 £30 Steve Alaimo-then i tripped over your goodbye-atco,Ex,BB hole,£30 £20 Riverias-you counterfeit girl-rileys,Vg++,£100 £85 Lucy Hayes-i've done it again/laugh away the tears-teen town dj,Ex,£50 £35 (brill two sider) James Kelly Duhon-in scool-jude,Ex,£40 £30 Calvin williams-lonely youll be-northern de la-Vg,£55 £45 Joe Moore-hang right in there-tru glo town,Ex,slight label fade,£80 £65 3 Degrees-driving me mad-swan wd,Ex,£65 £55 Topics-she's so fine-carnival dj,M-,£75 £65 Patti Page-dont you pass me by-columbia,Vg+,£25 £15 Mary Love-let me know-modern wd,M-,£45 £35 Mac & Barb-hold me tighter-pyramid,Vg++,£125 £110 Spidells-pushed out of the picture-coral dj,Vg+,x on lbl,£75 £65 Charmaines-keep on searching-minit dj Ex,£50 £35 Additions Art Grayson-better hush-congress wd,Vg++,£45 £35 Ruby Johnson-why do you want to leave me-nebs,Vg,£30 £20 Bunny Shivel-top twenty-capitol,Ex,£25 £20 Joe Taylor-you dont love me-hmf,Ex,£35 £25 Baby Washington-i've got to breakaway-master five,Ex,£25 £15 Corvells-the jokes on me -cub,Vg,£30 £20 Don Varner-sweetest story-south camp wd,Ex,swol,£60 £50 Stan Deveraux-no sad tomorrows-sujay,Vg+,flip jumps,but its crap anyway,£60 £50 Bunny Shivel-top twenty-capitol,,Ex,£25 £20 Milton Harris-she's hurting me-mutt,Ex,£40 £35 Pacesetters-victim of lonliness/my ship is coming in-mica,Vg+,£55 £45 Enjoyables-push a little harder-capitol,Vg++,£75 £60 Latest additions Gwen Stewart-i thought it over/you took me for a fool-call me,M-,£55 £45 Troy Marrs-rhythm message-sureshot dj,Ex,£35 £25 Heartstoppers-marching out of your life-all platinum,Ex+,£25 £20 Frank Butler-how i feel about you-spaceage,M-,£25 £20 Jones Bros-your good lovin-silver,M-,£35 £30 Elliot Small-stay in my heart-new sound,Ex,£40 £30 Winfield Parker-sweet little girl-atco wd,Vg++,£25 £20 Mr Jamo-you just aint ready-sss,Ex,dymo stkr on fliplbl,£35 £25(little known dancer from jamo thomas ) Monroe Taylor-proud guy-chesapeake,M-,£50 £45 Delcos-arabia-showcase,M-,£45 £35 Lenis Guess-for all youve been-dpg,M-,£60 £50 Theresa Lindsey-its love/good idea-correct tone wd,,Vinyl Ex,small marker on lbl,£100 £75(v.rare wd ) Performers-i cant stop you-mirwood,M-,£45 £40 Duff Thurmond-now that you left me-new voice,Ex,drill hole,£50 £45
  14. Chuck Bernard-my baby-sattelite wd,VG++,£45 Little Frankie Lee-i gotta come back to you-peacock,Ex,£75 Ray Pettis-if i found love-teako,Ex,£55 Landy McNeal-counting on you-colunbia wd,M-,£40 Steve Alaimo-then i tripped over your goodbye-atco,Ex,BB hole,£30 The Hollidays-walk right out the door-markie,Vg +,£60 Riverias-you counterfeit girl-rileys,Ex,£100 Lucy Hayes-i've done it again/laugh away the tears-teen town dj,Ex,£50 (brill two sider) James Kelly Duhon-in scool-jude,Ex,£40 Calvin williams-lonely youll be-northern de la-Vg,£55 Joe Moore-hang right in there-tru glo town,Ex,slight label fade,£80 3 Degrees-driving me mad-swan wd,Ex,£65 Topics-she's so fine-carnival dj,M-,£75 Patti Page-dont you pass me by-columbia,Vg+,£25 Mary Love-let me know-modern wd,M-,£45 Mac & Barb-hold me tighter-pyramid,Vg++,£125 Spidells-pushed out of the picture-coral dj,Vg+,x on lbl,£75 Charmaines-keep on searching-minit dj Ex,£50 Additions Art Grayson-better hush-congress wd,Vg++,£45 Delacardos-she''s the one i love atlantic,Ex,drill hole,£25 Ruby Johnson-why do you want to leave me-nebs,Vg,£30 Bunny Shivel-top twenty-capitol,Ex,£25 Larry Birdsong-somebody help me-sur speed,M-,£60 Joe Taylor-you dont love me-hmf,Ex,£35 Baby Washington-i've got to breakaway-master five,Ex,£25 Corvells-the jokes on me -cub,Vg,£30 Don Varner-sweetest story-south camp wd,Ex,swol,£60 Stan Deveraux-no sad tomorrows-sujay,Vg+,flip jumps,but its crap anyway,£60 Bunny Shivel-top twenty-capitol,,Ex,£25 Milton Harris-she's hurting me-mutt,Ex,£40 Pacesetters-victim of lonliness/my ship is coming in-mica,Vg+,£55 Enjoyables-push a little harder-capitol,Vg++,£75 Latest additions Gwen Stewart-i thought it over/you took me for a fool-call me,M-,£55 Troy Marrs-rhythm message-sureshot dj,Ex,£35 Heartstoppers-marching out of your life-all platinum,Ex+,£25 Frank Butler-how i feel about you-spaceage,M-,£25 Jones Bros-your good lovin-silver,M-,£35 Elliot Small-stay in my heart-new sound,Ex,£40 Winfield Parker-sweet little girl-atco wd,Vg++,£25 Mr Jamo-you just aint ready-sss,Ex,dymo stkr on fliplbl,£35(little known dancer from jamo thomas ) Monroe Taylor-proud guy-chesapeake,M-,£50 Delcos-arabia-showcase,M-,£45 Lenis Guess-for all youve been-dpg,M-,£60 Theresa Lindsey-its love/good idea-correct tone wd,,Vinyl Ex,small marker on lbl,£100(v.rare wd ) Performers-i cant stop you-mirwood,M-,£45 Duff Thurmond-now that you left me-new voice,Ex,drill hole,£50 payment by paypal as a gift please,P & P £2 recorded/signed for,£6 special del,all open to trades/offers Clips /scans on request cheers Salmon Edited by soulsalmon, A minute ago.
  15. Chuck Bernard-my baby-sattelite wd,VG++,£45 Little Frankie Lee-i gotta come back to you-peacock,Ex,£75 Ray Pettis-if i found love-teako,Ex,£55 Landy McNeal-counting on you-colunbia wd,M-,£40 Steve Alaimo-then i tripped over your goodbye-atco,Ex,BB hole,£30 The Hollidays-walk right out the door-markie,Vg +,£60 Riverias-you counterfeit girl-rileys,Ex,£100 Lucy Hayes-i've done it again/laugh away the tears-teen town dj,Ex,£50 (brill two sider) James Kelly Duhon-in scool-jude,Ex,£40 Calvin williams-lonely youll be-northern de la-Vg,£55 Joe Moore-hang right in there-tru glo town,Ex,slight label fade,£80 3 Degrees-driving me mad-swan wd,Ex,£65 Topics-she's so fine-carnival dj,M-,£75 Patti Page-dont you pass me by-columbia,Vg+,£25 Jaywalkers-got my own thing goin-selsum,Vg++,wol,£50 Mary Love-let me know-modern wd,M-,£45 Mac & Barb-hold me tighter-pyramid,Vg++,£125 Spidells-pushed out of the picture-coral dj,Vg+,x on lbl,£75 Charmaines-keep on searching-minit dj Ex,£50 Additions Art Grayson-better hush-congress wd,Vg++,£45 Delacardos-she''s the one i love atlantic,Ex,drill hole,£25 Ruby Johnson-why do you want to leave me-nebs,Vg,£30 Bunny Shivel-top twenty-capitol,Ex,£25 Larry Birdsong-somebody help me-sur speed,M-,£60 Joe Taylor-you dont love me-hmf,Ex,£35 Baby Washington-i've got to breakaway-master five,Ex,£25 Corvells-the jokes on me -cub,Vg,£30 Don Varner-sweetest story-south camp wd,Ex,swol,£60 Stan Deveraux-no sad tomorrows-sujay,Vg+,flip jumps,but its crap anyway,£60 Bunny Shivel-top twenty-capitol,,Ex,£25 Milton Harris-she's hurting me-mutt,Ex,£40 Pacesetters-victim of lonliness/my ship is coming in-mica,Vg+,£55 Enjoyables-push a little harder-capitol,Vg++,£75 payment by paypal as a gift please,P & P £2 recorded/signed for,£6 special del,all open to trades/offers cheers Salmon Edited by soulsalmon, A minute ago.
  16. Chuck Bernard-my baby-sattelite wd,VG++,£45 Little Frankie Lee-i gotta come back to you-peacock,Ex,£75 Ray Pettis-if i found love-teako,Ex,£55 Landy McNeal-counting on you-colunbia wd,M-,£40 Steve Alaimo-then i tripped over your goodbye-atco,Ex,BB hole,£30 The Hollidays-walk right out the door-markie,Vg +,£60 Riverias-you counterfeit girl-rileys,Ex,£100 Lucy Hayes-i've done it again/laugh away the tears-teen town dj,Ex,£50 (brill two sider) James Kelly Duhon-in scool-jude,Ex,£40 Calvin williams-lonely youll be-northern de la-Vg,£55 Joe Moore-hang right in there-tru glo town,Ex,slight label fade,£80 3 Degrees-driving me mad-swan wd,Ex,£65 Topics-she's so fine-carnival dj,M-,£75 Patti Page-dont you pass me by-columbia,Vg+,£25 Jaywalkers-got my own thing goin-selsum,Vg++,wol,£50 Mary Love-let me know-modern wd,M-,£45 Mac & Barb-hold me tighter-pyramid,Vg++,£125 Spidells-pushed out of the picture-coral dj,Vg+,x on lbl,£75 Charmaines-keep on searching-minit dj Ex,£50 Additions Art Grayson-better hush-congress wd,Vg++,£45 Delacardos-she''s the one i love atlantic,Ex,drill hole,£25 Ruby Johnson-why do you want to leave me-nebs,Vg,£30 Bunny Shivel-top twenty-capitol,Ex,£25 Larry Birdsong-somebody help me-sur speed,M-,£60 Joe Taylor-you dont love me-hmf,Ex,£35 Baby Washington-i've got to breakaway-master five,Ex,£25 Corvells-the jokes on me -cub,Vg,£30 Don Varner-sweetest story-south camp wd,Ex,swol,£60 Stan Deveraux-no sad tomorrows-sujay,Vg+,flip jumps,but its crap anyway,£60 Bunny Shivel-top twenty-capitol,,Ex,£25 Milton Harris-she's hurting me-mutt,Ex,£40 Pacesetters-victim of lonliness/my ship is coming in-mica,Vg+,£55 payment by paypal as a gift please,P & P £2 recorded/signed for,£6 special del,all open to trades/offers cheers Salmon
  17. Billy Bass-i'm coming to-philly groove,Ex,drill hole,£50 Penny North-thought i had a good thing-luau,Vg+,£60 James Arnold-your chain of love je-eeca,M-,£125 Kell Osborne-just cant outsmart a woman,lona wd,Vg,xol,£50 Tony Diamond-dont turn away-blue rock wd,Vg+,£100 Gloria Parker-best thing for you baby-samar,M-,£60 The Tail Feathers-now aint that love-uptite,Ex,£45 Shep,i'm sitting in/fool to fool-tnt,vinyl Ex,bubbling on lbl,£50 Duff Thurmond-now that youve left me-newvoice,Ex,drill hole,£60 Blockbusters-muddy pt 2-rockin,Ex,£25 Hugh McCracken-what i gotta do to satisfy you-congress wd,M-,£40 Harry Batchellor & the Mighty Crowns-a few more minutes-roulette wd,Ex,£45 Bill Johnson-it aint never gonna die-jocida,Ex,wol,lbl stain,£15 Dynamite Sheenie-dont wanna love you-starbound,Ex,£25 Bobby & The Premiers-gotta have a reason-souled out,Ex,£25 Carl Holmes-lonely sad eyes-verve dj,Ex,£25 Kitty love-power of love-dade,Ex,£30(same song as Amanda Humphrey) Big Dee Irwin-you really are together-fairmount ,Ex,£30 Impressions-we're rolling on-abc,Ex,£20 Exiters-you know it aint right-shout wd,Ex,£40 Ravenettes-since youve been gone-shurfine,Ex,£40 Little Eddie Woods-is it so wrong-comet wd,Vg ++,£40 James Bryant-hey there you girl-renee wd,Ex, small stkr mark on lbl,£35 Millionaires-i thought about you-bunny,Ex,£30 Tambi Garret-leave a little love-ascot wd,Vg++,£40 ( superior version of the patti austin tune) Chuck Hampton-found a true love/no sign of love-royal crest,Vg+,£45 (little known 2 sider) Norm West-baby please-moc,Ex,£20 Payment by paypal as a gift please,P&P £2 signed for,special del £6,pm to reserve,all open to offers /trades Cheers Salmon
  18. Self titled album,chock full of goodies inc keep on climbing.i got news.Outer sleeve split top & bottom, think its just the adhesive that has dried out,vinyl is close to mint,£60 ono,p& p i'll quote you ( never posted an album before)
  19. Totally agree,one i've been playing for a while,mint wd $25
  20. Mac & Barb-hold me tighter-pyramid,Ex,£150 Ray Pettis-dont use me-exodus,Ex,£35 Blockbusters-muddy pt2-rockin,Ex,£30 Spidells-pushed out of the picture-coral dj,Ex,xol,£75 Eddie Foster-together-ocampo,Ex,£125 Fran Oliver-next time you see me-sonar,Ex,£75 Patti Page-dont you pass me by-columbia,Ex,£20 Jaywalkers-got my own thing going-selsum,Ex,wol,£50 Mary Love-let me know-modern wd,M,£40 late addition,Duff Thurmond-now that you left me -dynovoice,Ex,drill hole,£60 all open to offers/trades. payment by paypal as a gift please. p&p £2 recorded,special del £6 PM to reserve
  21. Got 75 for mine a few months ago,you saving the paul johnson for me ?, you've been past it in my box a few times
  22. Ronnie Savoy-pittfall-tuff wd,Ex,£50 Baby Washington-cant break away-master 5,Ex,£15 Millionaires-thought about you-bunny,M-,£30 Tambi Garrett-leave a little love-ascot wd,M-,£50 Argie & the Arketts-your the guy-ronnie,M-,£70 Gloria Parker-best thing for you baby-samar,M-,£50 Tony Diamond-dont turn away-blue rock wd,Ex,£80 Mark V Unlimited-gone- sagport,M-,£15 SOLD Ann Byers-dead end-academy-Ex,£55 3 Degrees-driving me mad-swan wd,M-,£70 Roy Smith-very strong on you-liberty dj,Ex,£40 Shep-sitting in/fool to fool-tnt,Ex,£50 Payment by paypal as a gift,P&P £2,1st class recorded
  23. Spidells-pushed out of the picture-coral demo,Ex.X's on lbl,£75 Blockbusters-muddy pt 2-rockin,Ex,£35 p&p £2.00 Rec mates in hospital,using his account,i have the records,paypal as a gift please both open to offers/trades

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