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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. love the milton & winston,dont think its as rare as the price tag suggests
  2. My apoliges,meant Mr Freeman,rush of sh*t to the brain
  3. Des i'll take pack 3 lesser known 60's, you do know youve got 2 x pack 3 up ? please,still got your paypal addy will send now
  4. Just out of interest,have a mint mgm demo for sale
  5. As Joan said,nobody's knocking you,the site can be quite complicated to navigate if your new,just have a trawl through the forums,give you an idea where to post stuff,glad my tip about the co-op worked for you,Mark Chapman is a sound guy,
  6. Claude Huey-feel good all over early bird wd,Ex,£58 Harold Melvin-get out-landa,Vg,£58 As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift or add 4%,to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com,,postal orders or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2,special del £6.N.B.,I can only post twice a week usually weds & sats.P M to reserve Cheers Salmon
  7. Whatever floats your boat mate, there's room for all genres
  8. All you have to do is check out the events forum on here & check the playlists to see if its what your after,hope you find the right one,nuneaton co-op is an oldies nighter near you
  9. Youv'e never heard one of my sets mate
  10. Yore obviously going to the wrong venues for your taste mate
  11. Soz ,didnt realise It was a mate who told me about it
  12. Error
  13. Charmaines-keep on searching-minit dj,Ex,£34 SOLD Jeen & Him-you aint gonna get a chance-boss,M-,£64,rarest of the three releases on this label Tobi Legend-no good to cry-mala dj,Vg++,£32 Two Fellows-stop dont give up your loving-mutt,M-,£42 Vito & The Salutations-best be going-sandbag wd,M-,£43,very hard on a demo Wesley Paige-got to find out for myself-rojac,Ex-,£19.99 SOLD Rose Valentine-i've got to know right now-rca wd,Ex,£73 s Kenny Hamber-looking for a love-139 wd,Ex,£45 Volcanos-storm warning-106 wd,Ex-,£55,dont be put off by the writing on the label those are the autographs of Weldon McDougal,Johnny Stiles & Luther Randolf,i.e.the dynodynamics team,has provenance,Dave Moore was there when they signed it,Alan Pollards old copy As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift,to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com,,postal orders or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2,special del £6.N.B.,I can only post twice a week usually weds & sats.P M to reserve or call 07717680455 Cheers Salmon
  14. Apollas-just cant get enough of you-loma,M-,£31 Barbara & The Believers-what can happen to me now-capitol dj,M-,£33,superb semi known Betty La Vette-i'm holding on-big wheel,Ex,£47 The Capitols- i got too handle it-karen wd,Ex,£21 The Ebonies-you got what i want-midwest,M-,£65,Keb's old chandlers c/u SOLD Gregg Perry-love control-chess dj,Vg++,£47,classic ! Marlina Mars-gonna hold on to your love-mgm dj,m,£42,stone mint with company sleeve Spencer Wiggins-lonely man-gold wax,M-,£37 As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift,to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com, cheques (drawn on uk banks),postal orders or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2,special del £6.N.B.,I can only post twice a week usually weds & sats.P M to reserve or call 07717680455 Cheers Salmon
  15. official re-issue by jamie/guyden,min-late 70's,not worth a lot
  16. Buster Jones-a good thing-phil la of soul,£37,label fade,all the copies i've seen are like this SOLD buster jones.mp3 Delcos-arabia-showcase,M-,£41,Kebs old performers c/u delcos.mp3 Emorise Kelly-the biggest fool-peacock dj,Vg++,£32 emorise kelly.mp3 & The Echoes-million dollar bill-pulse,M-,£125 & the echoes.mp3 Hi-Lites-i'm so jealous-daran,Vg,£27 hi-lites.mp3 Fran Oliver-next time you see me-sonar,Ex,£100,another stafford cracker fran oliver.mp3 Geraldine Jones-i'm cracking up-sonar,M-,£35 geraldine jones.mp3 Little Dodley-pity for the lonely-ko ko,M-,£32,rarer misspelt artist name,little dooley HOLD little dooley.mp3 Penny North-thought i had a good thing-luau,Vg+,£42 penny north.mp3 Topics-she's so fine-carnival,M-,£57,one of the harder ones on the label HOLD topics.mp3 Chambers Bros-my baby takes care of business-columbia,M,£37 mint never been played,co sleeve rarer Canadian issue,watch this one go if someone gets behind it chambers bros.mp3 As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift,to david.simpson585@ntlworld.com, cheques (drawn on uk banks),postal orders or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2,special del £6.N.B.,I can only post twice a week usually weds & sats. Cheers Salmon
  17. Cheers bud
  18. keep on loving you,what was it covered as ?
  19. Chuck Hampton-no sign of love/i found a true love-royal crest,Vg+,£32,great double sider chuck hampton.mp3 chuck hampton 2.mp3 Little Eddie Woods-is it so wrong-comet wd,Ex,£27,driving dancer little eddie woods.mp3 Lenis Guess-for all youve been-DPG,M-,£47,stafford at its best HOLD lenis guess.mp3 Parliaments-a new day degins/i'll wait-atco wd,M-,£47,superb detroit double header SOLD parliaments.mp3 parliaments 2.mp3 The Tailfeathers-aint that love-uptite,Vg+,£35,hard to find uptempo dancer tailfeathers.mp3 As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift,cheques (drawn on uk banks),postal orders or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2,special del £6 Cheers Salmon
  20. Freeman Brothers-every day its you-mala,M-,£23 freeman bros.mp3 Johnny Watson-i'd rather be your baby-okeh wd,M-,£32 johnny watson.mp3 Little Charles-guess i'll have to take whats left-jewel,Ex,£25,old brady spin little charles.mp3 Little Tony & The Hawks-dont try to fight it-renfro,M-,£23 little tony & the hawks.mp3 Tommy Butler-move on stay gone-chattahoochee,Ex,wol,£23,old stafford spin tommy butler.mp3 As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift,cheques (drawn on uk banks),postal orders or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2,special del £6 Cheers Salmon
  21. Cheers mate ,will rectify
  22. Ad-Libs-johnny my boy-blue cat wd,Ex,£75 £50,dont see many of these Elliot Small-stay in my heart-new sound,M-£27 £20,very underated Honey & the Bees-why do you want to hurt the one who loves you,arctic,Ex,£45 £37,classic Janice Weaver-what you want-phillips,Vg+,£17 £12,little known dancer Jimmy Love-two sides to every story-josie wd,Ex,£30 £25,starting to get plays Soul Four-misery-ringo,Ex,£40 £32, virtually unknown dancer Tempests-out of my life-smash,Ex,£25 £17,no mistaking Hazel Martins voice Virgil blanding-you turn me around-verve dj,Ex+,£32 £25,the rules man delivers again Johnny Daye-keep on loving you-blue star,M-,£75 Ann Byers-dead end-academy,Ex +,£37 ann byers.mp3 Don Varner-sweetest story-south camp wd,Ex +,£40 don varner.mp3 Kenny Hamber-looking for a love-arctic wd,Ex-,£47,less than half book price kenny hamber.mp3 Roy Smith-very strong on you-liberty dj,Vg++,£32 roy smith.mp3 Royal Jokers-nickel,3 dimes & 1 quarter-keldon,M-,£37 royal jokers.mp3 Willie & the Handjives-gotta find a new love-Vg+,£37 willie & the handjives.mp3 As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2,special del £6 Cheers Salmon Edited by soulsalmon, Yesterday, 11:58 PM. started out with nothing & still got most of it left
  23. Ad-Libs-johnny my boy-blue cat wd,Ex,£75 £50,dont see many of these ad libs.mp3 2.42MB 11 downloads Calvin Williams-lonely you'll be-northern de la,Vg++,£35 £27,better version imo calvin williams.mp3 2.32MB 14 downloads Elliot Small-stay in my heart-new sound,M-£27 £20,very underated elliot small.mp3 2.93MB 33 downloads Hollidays-walk right out the door-markie,Vg++,£60 £50,rare detroit SOLD four hollidays.mp3 2.17MB 26 downloads Honey & the Bees-why do you want to hurt the one who loves you,arctic,Ex,£45 £37,classic honey & the bees.mp3 1.8MB 21 downloads Janice Weaver-what you want-phillips,Vg+,£17 £12,little known dancer janice weaver.mp3 2.47MB 20 downloads Jimmy Love-two sides to every story-josie wd,Ex,£30 £25,starting to get plays jimmy love.mp3 1.97MB 19 downloads Jimmy Earl-strategy-columbia wd,M-,£27,bit of a buzz on this at the mo SOLD jimmy earl.mp3 2.01MB 36 downloads Jeff Dale-where do i go-atco,Vg+£27 £21,moody atmospheric dancer SOLD jeff dale.mp3 2.76MB 19 downloads Soul Four-misery-ringo,Ex,£40 £32, virtually unknown dancer soul four.mp3 2.69MB 43 downloads Tempests-out of my life-smash,Ex,£25 £17,no mistaking Hazel Martins voice tempests.mp3 2.18MB 13 downloads Virgil blanding-you turn me around-verve dj,Ex+,£32 £25,the rules man delivers again virgil blanding.mp3 2.35MB 26 downloads Johnny Daye-keep on loving you-blue star,M-,£75 johnny daye.mp3 As usual folks,payment by paypal as a gift or concealed cash at your own risk,all clips/scans from the record for sale,no enhancements,what you see & hear is what you'll get,always open to offers/trades.P&P 1st class standard inc at your own risk,1st class recorded £2,special del £6 Cheers Salmon

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