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Everything posted by soulsalmon

  1. Whats the going rate for bring your love to me -uk pye ?
  2. Denita James-wild side-flip,Ex,£65 Casinos-if i told you/everbody cant be pretty-del val white demo,Ex,£55 p&p 1st class recorded inc payment by paypal as a gift please Cheers Salmon
  3. Areyou doing these mail order Si ?
  4. You should all try the 7 inch storage cubes from Blackka,brilliant,modular,pre-sanded,finish to your own taste,cheap as well
  5. Dynamics-woman-brainstorm & Creations-a dream/footsteps,Vg++ min,pm with price please Cheers Salmon
  6. Still think of him a lot,heart of gold once past the veneer
  7. Blackka acoustics,by a country mile,just google it
  8. The cubes are great as well
  9. There you go Dave
  10. I'll do the virgil tommorow Dave,verve dj
  11. Fred Lowery-gay shell 403,please pm with price & cond,thanks Salmon
  12. Zorba is an old wigan spin,way before Stafford
  13. Had some good ones off Pete Lawson
  14. After contact details for Geoff Buckley & Fred Krol please
  15. RIP Carole we didnt usually see eye to eye but always had a laugh after an argument,top girl
  16. P C's been acting up all day
  17. All Vg++ min unless stated Fantastiks-live & let live/cry night & day-forte,£45 Sandra lopez-im so lonely-phil la o soul,Vg+ ,£30 Timothy Williams-pigtails-buddah,£35 Willie & the Handjives-gotta find a new love-veep wd,Vg+,SOLD Manhattans-i wanna be-carnival,£20 James Crawford-got no excuse-blue rock,£35 soul bandits-save it/be good-groove,£60 Four Tees-like my baby-vj,£25 Casinos-if i told you-del val wd,£45 royal jokers-nickel,3 dimes & 5 quarters-keldon,50 Benny gordon-a kiss to build a dream on-RCACan,£40 Don Varner-sweetest story-south camp wd,£50 contenders-loely lover-java,£65 Lenny Welch-you cant run away-mercury wd,£35 Calvin Arnold-what a lovely way to go-venture,£25 Van Dykes-no man is an island-mala dj,£30 Brenda Holloway-you can cry on my shoulder-tamla,£25 Forest hairston-w go to pieces-viney,£50 Lovers-do this for me-phillips,£35 ,Soul Ambassadors-i dont have no one-77,£25 Holidays-watch out girl-golden world,£15 Reuben Wright-you done me wrong-capitol,£25 Daydreams-thelovin side-dial wd,£25 Volumes-i love you baby-inferno,£25 Freddie Scott-mr heartache-columbia,£55 bluesbusters-ive got to get there-caitol,£30 Fantastic four-pinpoint it down-soul,£20 Lee Rogers-craked up over you-wheelsville,£35 Lee Williams-lost love-carnival,£35 SOLD KennyHamber-looking for a love-arctic wd,1 sided,£45 Payment by paypal as a gift please,P&P 1st class recorded £2.50 Special del £6.00. Cheers Salmon
  18. Mad Lads-did my baby call-volt.thanks in advance Salmon
  19. T'is indeed Ted
  20. My spins early doors Occasions-theres no you-big jim Landy-doctor good soul-moonshot Harold Burrage-master key-m-pac Major iv-all of my love-venture Joe Moore-hang right in there baby-tru-glo-town Soul Ambassadors-i dont have no one-seventy seven Harold Hutton-lucky boy-checker Gil Blanding-you turn me around-verve Sunny Carrington-the girl every guy should know-deep Gail Anderson-lets fall in loveall over-salvador Sandy Borden-deeper-diplomacy Eddie & Ernie-we try harder-checker Jimmy Earl-strategy-columbia Cheers-mighty,mighty lover-penny Connie Tanzell-dont knock me-soulclock Others to follow Salmon
  21. Got a mint-atco copy,lt me know what you want to pay
  22. Chuck Hampton-no sign of love/i found a true love-royal crest,Ex,£25 Freddie Scott-mr heartache-columbia,Ex,£50 BettyLa Vette-i'm holding on-big wheel,Ex,£50 Sunny Carrington-the girl every guy should know-deep,ExLabel bubble as all copies,£40 Syl Johnson-i've got to get over-TMP-ting,M-,£60 Big Joe Turner-two loves have i-phillips french pic sleeve,Ex,£17 Herbs-put a hurtin on my heart/there must be an answer-smoke wd,M-,£35,rare wd Van dykes-no man is an island-mala dj,M-,£30 Kenny Hamber-looking for a love-arctic wd ,Ex,single sided,£55 Platters-hear,speak,see no evil-musicor wd,Vg+,£40 Doc & Sal-laughing to keep from crying-dynamic,Vg-,£20plays with some noise SOLd Contenders-lovely lover-java,Ex,£65Lenny Welch-you cant run away-mercury wd,M-,£40 Precisios-if this is love-drew,Ex-,bb hole nap,£25 Dynosonics-soul bug-dynamics,Vg+,£25,storming instro SOLD Honey & the Bees-why do you hurt the one who loves you-arctic,Ex,£70 Lucy Hayes--laugh away the tears-teen town dj,Ex,xol,£40 Joe Moore-hang right in there-tru glo town,Ex,£125 Josephine taylor-good lovin-mar-v-lusVg+,£30 Jay Jordan-if it wasnt for love-verve dj,M-,£40 Royal Jokers-nickel,3dimes &5quarters-keldon,M-,£5Lee Williams-lost love-carnival,VG+ Don Varner-sweetest story-south camp wd,EX-swol,£50Tempests-out of my life-smash,Ex,£25 Big Dee irwin-you really are together-fairmount,Ex,£45 Garnett Mimms-proove it to me-UA,M-,£20 Jimmy Robins-just cant please you-jerhart,M-,£17 Junior parker-you cant keep a good woman down-blue rock,M-,£15 Payment by paypal (gift),bank transfer,concealled cash(at your own risk),all open to offers/trades),clips & scans on request, P&P 1st class std £1.75,!st class recorded £2.50,special d £6.50,overseas ,i'll quote you. Cheers Salmon

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