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Northern Monkey

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Everything posted by Northern Monkey

  1. https://radio.garden/live/saint-paul-mn/mpr-news/ Found this site recently. Use the interactive map to find radio stations all over the world. Think most on here will head for the U.S. I'm currently listening to soulcaferadio.com in NYC. Excellent.
  2. A top youth club smoocher, although contact between dancers was forbidden inside the YC. Outside was a snogfest, back in the late 60's. It has taken me years to like The Elgins,' Heaven must have sent you', having a next door neighbour who played a 'taped' chart show on a continuous loop for what seems like weeks, back when it was re released, 70 or 71. Did my head in, hence the problems now. Joking really, ( not)
  3. To me, an old fart with more memories than remaining brain cells, the problem seems to be alcohol. Never saw any trouble in fik knows how many years "back in the day", but was I 100% observant? Probably not. Now, I can't attend week in week out, air fares would hurt a bit, but there seems to be an increase in dickhead behaviour at venues which seem to attract the" longer hours " type of drinker. As said by many,more lucid posters earlier, would an "alcohol for members only" regieme work.? Members cards across the scene even? It would get rid of the local piss artists, instantly. Very sad to see violence on the scene, even though it didn't amount to much,but I understand the OP not knowing how to respond, with his wife being there, protection and all that, and some responses from fellow members, give over lads, we're the new over the hill mob,just like those silly rock'n roll fans that used to be famous. We are OLD. But our music will never die. KTF.
  4. As a newbie don't know if I I can post,but if I can, well, don't think there will be a better one as a first one. Ever. NM.

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