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Everything posted by Thinksmart

  1. What a vocal grouo. Beautiful, positive music. Those harmonies. Thank you.
  2. Preorder arrived yesterday and been on repeat ever since. Wonderful as always. This volume seems particularly good, but I probably always say that.
  3. Another great tune. RIP
  4. Very enjoyable, was straight on when it arrived. Volume 2 in future surely.
  5. In reply to the CD question, it was on Goldmine's Northern Soul Fever voume 3 off vinyl.
  6. Looking forward for this, looks nicely done. Even knowing the music, there's something about a great compilation. The usual high production standards I'm sure.
  7. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/nostalgia/gallery/14-fab-pictures-northern-soul-22800066 Please feel free to move this post if in the wrong place.
  8. The 1982 album also had this sweet Modern Soul classic too of course
  9. Wonderful music, a full life. Back musically which was excellent. 'You Baby' gives me chills still as it plays now.
  10. I've always known Little Anthony's version from the album. It's an immense Teddy Randazzo production. But more than that, I've always felt there's a haunting element to the vocal that lifts it up further. It may of come naturally to Little Anthony, it may not of been intended - but there are nuances in his performance of this in that version on the album, that I can still recall and were they on replaying this morning. I like other versions, the Delfonics is good as said. Always want to hear Willie Hutch or Baby Washington, but it's the Little Anthony version that's stayed with me.
  11. Those 60s Platters tracks are wonderful and still sound great. Sad news. Thanks for the music.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/jan/10/james-mtume-jazz-and-funk-musician-dies-aged-75 Wonderful music. No introduction needed here I'm sure, but a good start to his many contributions was put together by Expansion Records: https://www.discogs.com/release/815992-Various-The-Best-Of-Mtume-Lucas Also, Adam White (writer on Motown) mentioned R. Dean Taylor may of passed on Twitter but I haven't seen any follow-up from him on it since.
  13. Great to have these two together in their best sound quality ever.
  14. Yes Valentino was the original I think.
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2021/sep/08/carl-bean-singer-i-was-born-this-way-dies-aged-77?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  16. Now that as of today's ministerial briefings 'vaccine passports' seem likely for mass indoor entertainment events after end of September in UK, it will be interesting to see if that has any requirement upon bigger or any events in the Soul scene(s).
  17. I'm also unsure how it would be traced back now. I doubt anyone will report a specific event or even know precisely it was at the event it was transmitted. My guess is people will stay quiet.
  18. The article was okay, it wasn't patronising to the scene like many are.
  19. Robert Brown's memories in a new book. A good article here with many memories: https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/leisure/19367050.looking-back-bradford-northern-soul-scene/
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  20. Some of those are on other Kent CDs including these other Vietnam war related ones - https://www.discogs.com/Various-Does-Anybody-Know-Im-Here/release/6435102 And https://www.discogs.com/Various-A-Soldiers-Sad-Story-Vietnam-Through-The-Eyes-Of-Black-America-1966-73/release/2495508
  21. Hi all, Sarah had the USA TV show Station 19 on tonight and at a dramatic point, a song called 'One Soul' by Gsharp was played. A new artist to me and I couldn't find much so far. Page here: https://www.facebook.com/whoisgsharp/ and https://www.instagram.com/gsharpandthebizness/?max_id=1527177176552801762 Here is the song, which builds up well from just voice into the full arrangement at the end.
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  22. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b03nt8wt From the Motown spoken word label Black Forum that ran 1970-1973.
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  23. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/features/swamp-dogg-interview-rat-on-anniversary-bon-iver-b1818956.html
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