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Everything posted by Thinksmart

  1. Ordered the CD and looking forward to hearing it. Thank you
  2. Excellent, thanks Mike. I've seen it reported that he has sung it live and it sounded more than a demo when Richard played it. Richard digs out many of his one-offs and unreleased songs on the second hour of his Sunday Solar show. It's always worth a listen and has cost me a fortune over the years in rare Japanese CDs and the like.
  3. Played it today too and I still cannot track it down.
  4. I never play off CDs, I rip them (twice) to lossless FLAC format and only play those on my Astiga personal cloud. The CD essentially is just the master source for me.
  5. I have now listened to this CD a few times and the album with all the extra songs is wonderful. Well recommended. We can only hope Expansion continues these high quality, licensed reissues. On his show at Solar, Richard said they are working on the Alvarez reissue a few months ago.
  6. You make a great point, no money actually returns to artists from old vinyl.
  7. Davey S - Expansion licence properly, his contract with the original ABC label I do not know. I cannot specifically comment on that, but this is done properly and took a long time to release. Bobby appeared at Blackpool in 2016 organised by Richard who is a director of Expansion, and has mentioned dialogue to make this happen on his radio shows. So given Expansion's long history of doing releases properly, I trust that is the case here too.
  8. See https://www.expansionrecords.com/pr/NGV_BtvJzEOjfvciAHyw1w My preorder arrived today - all the Bobby Hutton songs and unreleased ones too, on CD and vinyl. Wonderful!
  9. I think I have all of this from the extensive Complete Goldwax series, Goldwax Story series, Goldwax Northern Soul and related artist releases they did before, but the music is of course wonderful.
  10. Yes I order all these and was enjoying that one over the weekend along with the new George Duke one too. There have been two of the post-Motown run of Spinners albums recently too. Coming later in the year is a excellent looking one for Blue Magic, that I am looking forward to greatly. I've bought all the albums reissued on CD individually, but to have them mastered well and complete with extras is welcome.
  11. All good recommendations,so long as flat sole, Goodyear welted gibsons/derbys or brogues. Made in UK if possible. Another perfect option is Sanders from Northampton who often have discounts. For dancing I'd avoid overpaying as sweat will age the shoes quickly. I have Crockett & Jones,Russell & Bromley,Barkers etc but would not dance in them- same with Churches or Cheaney who are too good for that use to me. Loake and Sanders seem the right quality to price for me to dance in.
  12. So many across the decades....not mentioned the songs with Barbara Acklin yet here, so right back to the start of the scene with such as From The Teacher To The Preacher.
  13. There can be no such thing as AI 'Soul music', it is evident why from the name it has. It could adequately reproduce the sound, but that doesn't make it Soul music in any way as the humanity and lived experience it expresses cannot be delivered that way. I'm open to AI in other areas of my life and other styles of music, but not in this area. It's a complete anathema, a false premise. We don't even accept people trying to do Soul music easily who are just fans of the music, these come and go then fade away. There's a difference between the sound and the feel. In a world of technology, it will be the humanity, emotions and feelings we remember - so it's even more important that Soul music truly reflects life as lived, or aspired to be - at least for my own enoyment of it. I simply don't have a need for AI Soul music, when there is a world of real music to discover, including that being made today that I'm still purchasing from contemporary and emerging artists. I don't mind electronics in music at all, it's the human intent and expression that matters for it to be something I choose to engage with.
  14. Thanks Mike, the quiet work is appreciated.
  15. Yes very nice and a memorable tune. Plenty of good songs in his last few years.
  16. Absolutely all of them right up to Fan The Fire for me. Quality all the way through.
  17. Look at Charly Publishing Limited at Companes House. This ties back to original investor. From there you can view the People tab for the appointed directors. At their website it says they are Charly Acquisitions Limited, which I tracked to be registered in St Kitts and Nevis through an offshore tracking site. There isn't a UK company of that name. At LinkedIn they are listed as registered in Sark at: https://www.linkedin.com/company/charly-acquisitions-ltd/ Again this shows the original investor to Charly there in the people tab.
  18. Apologies for the slight off-topic, but a decade or so ago (probably more now), one of the DJs who focused on Northern Soul at Blackpool Mecca prior to Ian Levine and Colin Curtis got in touch from Canada, then another who was put in contact after the first. They wanted to some extent put the record straight that Blackpool Mecca was well established and had its own scene they had been cultivating for ages long before the DJ change. They were talking about 68-69 era alongside Twisted Wheel and the TW also in Blackpool which I never knew about and has been mentioned here at the site a few times.
  19. If a UK release then it should, but it has been been printed on overseas or some event/rally boot CD sleeves to make them look genuine. If you post up the CD then we can guide. Ifnit ia genuine, the CD issuer has nothing to hide.
  20. Yes wonderful music but I bought two big boxsets on CD before and all the artist albums Edsel issued too, so not aimed at me either. There are some good Soul CD sets coming out though I have ordered.
  21. Didn't they originate as some places were only licenced to open to member's clubs - similar to the old Working Men's clubs. It's not just to do with alcohol, there were other aspects too - around capacity, having a site supervisor etc. Later they just became a thing others did, but there was an original more formal basis
  22. Hi, this show exploring Northern Soul from 2005 was repeated today on Radio 4 Extra so is available to hear: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b0076v8l I haven't listened to it, I probably did in 2005. It will be interesting to see what if anything has changed in the take on it.
  23. This CD is wonderful all the way through, thank you

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