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Everything posted by Thinksmart

  1. Regarding Freddie North's music on this compilation, they have issued a dedicated CD to him this month too which is also great.
  2. Listening to it now, very enjoyable music indeed.
  3. New album by The Limboos is out in that early 1970s soulful Rhythm and Blues soul (think Sam Cooke, Bobby Bland, Etta James, The Impressions or such as James Hunter and Boz Scaggs recent album)
  4. Hi everyone, a great new CD of Spyder Turner's 1970's recordings in the Modern Soul / Soulful Disco & sometimes Funk style. https://www.cherryred.co.uk/product/is-it-love-youre-after-the-whitfield-records-years-1978-1980/ Thanks Mark
  5. Great write up and excellent CD. I have just put my order in. Soul Junction is becoming a label like Kent that everything they release needs to be purchased. Wonderful work.
  6. As promised here with this comment is a picture of the over spill room next to Rob's Records, seen from Hurts Yard but I an not sure if anyone has ever been inside, including Rob since putting in all the records. It's a kind of permanent art installation.
  7. This is a brilliant release that has a broad spread of Northern, Deep, Modern and Southern soul. Don't miss this one.
  8. Highly recommended. I learned a lot and enjoyed the read.
  9. Hi all, just to let everyone know I have just received a preorder of the complete Major Lance on Okeh double CD. It is issued by Epic records through Cherry Red in UK, so a proper release from the masters to extend the selections Kent issued on CD a decade or so ago. Sure to be popular here I envisage! Details at: https://www.cherryred.co.uk/product/aint-no-soul-in-these-old-shoes-the-complete-okeh-recordings-1963-67/
  10. Hi, thanks for the thread. There are many of us here listening to new soul music across a broad spectrum, typically under threads with 'Modern Soul' in the title. I've posted up lists of Soul artists before that have plays and note here, some of which get included by DJs in the non-Oldies area of the scene. Northern Soul isn't a general soul scene as we know, so has a particular style, era and qualities that are sought. It's a broad spectrum in itself though and always was - what is now an oldie that someone loves and will only listen to was perhaps a new release back in the 1970s. Obviously Dome, Expansion, Disco Soul Gold, Papa Records/Reel People, Joey Negro's Z Records, Outta Sight and many other labels are either releasing new music or reissuing Crossover/Modern Soul dance music (others like Kent are reissuing too, but I'm focusing on post 1970s issue music for a moment). There is a healthy vinyl scene for Modern Soul releases too now which for some combines old and new well. While I like the UK bands mentioned and others, I don't find some don't quite have the snap to their music, just a tiny almost imperceptible groove thing that's not quite there. I also find some themselves are too limited to a sound before about 1972 and don't themselves take in what has happened since. I don't mind of course, it's still fun to listen to, but this far away from the era trying to recreated it musically is starting to feel a little unncessary, especially when done by so many pop artists in recent decades. I travel a lot for work and like stereo music on headphones, so listen extensively to Modern Soul (and jazz etc) while out and about and save the older Mono music for playing (loudly) at home. I don't think people only listening to their original music is a function of Soul music, I think it's people who enjoyed some music a lot in their youth but then aren't really interested in music in and of itself as an interest that keeps them exploring new music (or even old music new to them). Thanks Mark
  11. Yes the J&D releases are legal, taken from masters. And compiled by Dean Rutland. Here they are https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=sr_adv_m_pop?__mk_en_GB=ÅMÅZÕÑ&search-alias=popular&unfiltered=1&field-keywords=&field-artist=&field-title=&field-label=J%26d&field-ean=&field-browse=&field-price=&field-binding_browse-bin=&emi=&sort=&Adv-Srch-Music-Album-Submit.x=65&Adv-Srch-Music-Album-Submit.y=10 The Interstate releases were good but I do not know any more of them.
  12. Hi Steve, yes you have to look around a bit more now. There is a great Dynamics collection just released for example. The new J&D label released three good CDs recently with the 'All Night Long' one focusing on Northern Soul (the others were early Funk groove and Crossover/Modern Soul).
  13. Yes there are huge amounts to release but mostly beyond the obvious now. Lots of plays have faded away and never been compiled on CD. Going back to the old Soul Supply LPs has lots that are not yet on CD. It is slower but also goes in phases. Things are changing though - casual buyers probably have enough, the endless glut of copyright pre 1963 compilations, the complexities of licensing, the amount of effort to the sales level, the focus on Popcorn and R&B releases There are good USA compilations on smaller labels. Outta Sight is still preparing releases. Major label groups clearly are commissioning less.
  14. Thanks Steve. Fascinating.
  15. Fats Domino goes back to The Wheel, possibly before and so would have been Mr M's rather than main room. It's sound was also fairly anachronistic in Northern Soul as a main play by the mid-1970s with its mid-tempo New Orleans style.
  16. It is probably in the impassable store room next door packed floor to ceiling and only visible from the window outside. Rob's was changed a bit during a building redevelopment a few years ago. The upstairs is gone now as a store for.overspill. I will take a photo of the other room next time I pass.
  17. Top feller who was helpful to me above and beyond the call of duty when I was buying a lot of vinyl from him. His notes and guidance were invaluable.
  18. A legend. I have many stories, amazing finds under bags of unsorted records, feet almost coming through the old ceiling, endless cups of tea, hours of anecdotes such as Junior Walker in just underwear and a turban chatting with Rob after a gig, constant generosity on prices, remembering where a single is amongst the piles and racks, his innocence at normal life, his incredible travels to DJ for a quick gig, the intimate Sunday night gig he ran in the 1990's that helped bring back many to the scene in Nottingham, writing those legendary notes on single sleeves, the treasure troves almost forgotten in his shop if you knew where to look, the characters hanging around, his bemusement at CDs yet boxes of the most obscure ones, Kev R popping in with the latest Goldmine ones, his never ending enthusiasm telling label, artist and club history, dozens of collections bought and never sorted left in bags on the floor, records piled up the stairs, putting on singles during the day with noone around, being roped in to sort and serve as a teenager being paid in singles from my ever growing pile on the window of wants to buy, his lack of snobbery about Northern Soul accepting it for all its diversity, asking for a record and being told 'I will start looking and should find it within a few weeks' in all the piles, later walking in weeks or months away working and him saying 'That record you wanted is in a carrier bag over there with some others you will like'.. Ah happy days. I dare not go in anymore as it will all start over again, I spent thousands with him. I get my hair cut opposite his shop and just put my head around the door to inhale the vinyl smell. I am 47 now and was going in at 13, Rob did not seem young even then. I give him a nod and a hello, but I think he can only really see people properly infront of him talking Northern Soul. It genuinely is his life. I cannot really imagine any other aspect to his life. When Rob finally has to shut up shop part of me and many of us in Nottingham will go with him. I suspect he will be found underneath his records when he finally becomes too weak to move them! Hopefully that is a long way off yet. Thanks Rob.
  19. I still enjoy it. A formative record in early stages of getting into the music. It is part of the weird, diverse mix that makes Northern Soul what it is.
  20. That's a shame, best wishes for recovery. I am enjoying the new album which has some songs that those who appreciate Northern Soul will enjoy.
  21. Yes download the BBC radio app, then you can search for it,add it to always be in your 'My Radio's section and download it for listening in the app over next 30 days on any device with the app on. Both the BBC Manchester and Stoke shows are available. You can do the same on a computer too but I do it all via Android every week. On Android the BBC radio app is available on the Play Store (no charge).
  22. The Jades - I'm Where It's At is literally made for clapping to at the start and in the break. Also Mel Wynn & The Rhythm Aces - Stop Sign. A clappin' Casino classic.
  23. The Vel-vets - I've Got To Find Me Somebody has always been a monster clapper in the East Midlands. 'I'm So Happy' too with the big single clap near the start.
  24. PayPal sent Pete. Let's keep the fundraising going.
  25. This is a brilliant set, now playing on rotation here. Delighted to see future Kent releases will capture subsequent discoveries from this Northern Soul 'Holy Grail' source. Clearly the master tapes to the Hesitations and Freddy Butler albums are available as used in the Pied Piper releases so it will be great to have them released by Kent Records if possible with the upgraded sound quality possible. The earlier Goldmine releases are I think the only time those two albums have been on CD.

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