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Everything posted by Thinksmart

  1. Yes nothing against the music and dedication to compile it well.
  2. Great reading in this thread. I have the book ready to read on holiday next week. This thread added to the anticipation.
  3. Wow. That's a nice moment.
  4. Sad to hear. Denise has made lots of great music we enjoy. Recently I've been listening to her 1970s recordings more including the post-disco stuff. Going soft in my old age! It is interesting reading about Denise LaSalle in the new Memphis '68 book.
  5. The music will be fun I am sure but that is one pretentious lengthy album description for what is essentially fairly shallow dance funk (none the worse for that). I have the first three and never feel the need to hear them though happy if a track comes up on shuffle.
  6. He is mentioned in context of Small Faces when I saw this before. I do not recall his reputed worst excesses being mentioned.
  7. Enjoying this CD greatly, hoping for more soon in the series.
  8. A number of relevant artists did a 'Reap What You Sow' including Otis Rush, Guitar Slim, Billy Stewart and Sonny Terry. Not had time to check this file above but may be one of those.
  9. Her album reissue is excellent but the band on it will not be that touring. Best wishes to her with thanks.
  10. Thanks for the great music which continued the quality into his second era throughout the 70s.
  11. Very sad to hear. Jerry was a great contributor to classic pop and soul in the 60s. Great that he had a themed compilation but there is so much more to explore. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Some-Kinda-Magic-Songs-Jerry/dp/B01FK2WUUK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1507241422&sr=8-1&keywords=Jerry+ross
  12. A brilliant release, enjoying it on rotation.
  13. Many of these albums are not put up by the label and registered properly for streaming revenues to the collected, so are piracy in another form. They often get taken down again fairly quickly. Where the label has done it, it seems confusing to do that but then release it on CD too. They are literally killing off their own sales. It's one thing to licence it to a full streaming service such as Spotify, GooglePlay etc but just to put the whole album on YouTube is daft I think. I used to run a legal music streaming/download service and labels/artists are often so keen to get the music out they have no view on the commercial aspects, especially in this area of transition to fully digital.
  14. Myself I'd say 130 BPM and over approximately. It's not exact as a fast record that has a lighter beat may not sound as frenetic as a slightly slower one with a more intense beat. Once you get towards 140 BPM it's undeniable though.
  15. There is a concert tonight with Booker T and Steve Cropper in London celebrating Stax with Tom Jones and ...er... James Morrison as guest singers.
  16. Seems to have been compiled on a UK EMI LP called Soul Power in 1974 that looks a top selection much of which got played then or later in the NS and MS venues. https://uk-charts.com/showitem.asp?titel=Soul+Power%3A+16+Original+Soulhits+From+The+USA&cat=a
  17. He was possibly still at Fire Island' Ice Palace in 1973. He was one of the original N.Y. DJs.
  18. It is obviously taking the Norman Whitfield sound for the Temptations into Blaxploitation film style similar to Above 110th Street. Sounds like it would have been a new release play in 1973. Where do you have it played at?
  19. A recording called 'Theme From The Cop And The Hooker' was copyrighted in first half of 1973. The Index of Library of Congress records for copyright are searchable through Google and I found it there. It does not say the artist. I'll search more.
  20. I was about to post this so glad I'm not the messenger everyone will launch at! I'm assuming Frankie Crocker is smoking a Ton of Dynamite and posting with a wink. Wayne Gibson - baaaa. No Jerry Williams 'If You Ask Me', Seven Souls - oh we could all go on for years with favourites. Jeez getting to the end I see 'Stop Girl' in the top ten, ever! I know NS isn't just about Soul but this just makes me a bit sad.
  21. Thanks, I had not realised Cherry Red is distributing the Brenda Holloway.
  22. Yes looking forward immensely to the Willie Hutch. Those 2CD recent releases are great - Enchantment, Delegation, Kleeer, Skyy etc - all welcome and often more soulful on other songs than the obvious disco oriented hits would indicate. The Brenda Holloway soulmusic.com release coming out on Friday looks good and is preordered. I cannot see it listed at the label yet so list it at Amazon (I try to avoid listing one specific seller normally). https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B072ZF3TPF/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  23. Acid Jazz is releasing a double CD compilation of Leroy Hutson in October. https://www.acidjazz.co.uk/leroy-hutson-anthology-1972-1984/. Hopefully this could lead to the remaster and wider reissue of his catalogue. Also recently picked up CD reissues of such as Arthur Alexander, 1972 album and Four Tops, Nature Planned It. I see P.P.Arnold's unissued album is finally being released soon too. This week the Voices of East Harlem CD is released which I'm looking forward to. Tasty CDs coming from Ace/Kent/BGP this and next month to cover subsequently.
  24. Love that about Northern Soul inspiring wider music appreciation, same for me.

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