Later than many, Peterborough Wirrina in '85 I think, age of sixteen . A group of us came down from Nottingham in a van - Simmo, Crewy, Tucker, Jo90 etc. It was in the big hall and well attended.
I can't remember a single tune (and not for the obvious reason), just because I was taking it all in. It seemed so mysterious, intimidating and intoxicating at first and the music was ace. I was probably one of the youngest in there and looked it.
I do remember being surprised by the 1970s and more recent music played, in my head being trained at Rob's Records and on Kent/Inferno etc LPs. I didn't appreciate that sound music then but of course here we are nearly thirty five years later and I'm into all areas of the style and associated music too.
Arrived at the nighter a young Mod, left the all-nighter focused more about Northern Soul after that.
By about '87 I was struggling to find local nighters in Nottingham and ended up in the early House scene for a couple of years (while still collecting Soul) before getting back to Soul as things seemed to take off again from about 1991.