Sorry to sound argumentative Winnie, but If I were to find myself at Wembley nowadays I'd have to be pissed or lost, unless of course the unthinkable were to happen, which I will leave open to the imagination. Nos Da
At the end of the day mate why all the fuss about it all, each to his own, and live and let live, FFS we are here once only, without any dress rehearsals, we should all do what we wanna without the politics, see you soon mate wilxy
Hiya Mark, main point here tho' mate is the uninitiated speaking to the majority via the media whom in his own right is not a credible individual to do so, but in doing just that poisons the possible future of a superb "culture" that deserves longevity for all the right reasons-respect -wilxy
Used to have them quite often when I was a South Wales resident, and more often than not they were a great craic, remember one time the late Nige Shaw turning up with a set of decks but no speakers and set it up in my conservatory (including wooden dance floorish), whereby we blew every set of domestic speakers within both my house and nearby neighbours loaned items, as the volume was increased with each track However the finest feat I ever witnessed (as a brewery employee with as such an allowance entitlement) a certain nameless soul sourcer saw off individually in one sitting an entire 24 case of very strong Belgian beer .... So I called it a day and moved to Gloucestershire No beer then water now......what comes round stays round
whoops, just got a boll---ing off the librarian in St. Ives (Cornwall), seems they don't appreciate the music in the computer room, particularly as I couldn't find the volume icon to turn it down
Can anyone advise me how much the following little ditties would set me back, before blindly entering the wants section
Marjorie Black- One more hurt-Sue
Strides-I can get along-M-S
Billie Kennedy-Sweet thing-Thelma
Jimmy Hart-Tea house in China-town-Mercury
Thanx in advance wilxy
It's quarter to four on Saturday morning and there's 116 guests.......spooky eh! I reckon they could all be Peeping Toms you know, and before you wonder why I'm making this observation, I'm on Soul Source Sentry duty courtesy of my employer Goodnight......
I personally like Soul music from most sub genres, albeit not every record within the particular style.....I like what I like and not what individuals tell me I should like, each to his / her own........after all music is a very personal thing
Could anyone give me any idea of the price required to secure a copy of the Freddie Butler -Dab of Soul, and the Hesitations -Soul Superman albums on Kapp, and does anyone know of any for sale??? thanx wilxy