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Everything posted by Wilxy

  1. My only wish, would be I could make every time the Ukranian Club nights are on....Quality all round with a capital Q.......
  2. Many Happy Returns Lorraine....
  3. I must say....That was the best night out I've had in years bar none! The Music quality was absolutely awesome, from first to last record with all of the DJ's playing "blinders"! Great crowd in attendance, and furthermore it was both a pleasure and privilege to meet many former BVAN regulars.....Whilst it was my first attendance at the Ukranian club....It certainly won't be the last!
  4. I certainly hope so Mick, setting off in 45 minutes.....
  5. Saturday can't come soon enough........
  6. Just to emphasise the importance of BVAN during those unfortunate times of covid, and the actual respect held for all those involved in the "Sanity through Soul" sessions.....Loved every minute of those Absolute Superb "Shows", and can't wait to pay my belated respect in person.......Whilst Having A Great Night Out!
  7. Looking forward to my first visit......
  8. I totally agree with Bill, and would add my total respect to each of you for your efforts.......
  9. I'm sorry if this topic is slightly off-track, however I've had my one and only pet dog Taffy for over 17 years....He is truly my best friend, however has undergone 2 operations in the last couple of years to remove a benign tumour from his jaw, the last procedure being in March this year which has sadly failed, and now his only option is to be put out of his pain and misery is to be put to sleep, which sadly is arranged for Monday afternoon....I am absolutely distraught, and almost feel guilty of playing God....How does one cope?????
  10. Wattstax, from mid 70's.......
  11. I used to attend the Southport Soul weekenders, and also subscribed to the absolutely Superb Voices from the shadows magazine, whilst also recalling the Henseforth release, and for the life of me can't remember whether he was one of the many superb artist(e)s I saw there.....Obviously Rod Dearlove, would be a great contact .....
  12. What a Superb record, and one I can honestly say have loved since first hearing Butch play it! I recall driving home from a Ritz All-nighter in my buddys car, when he had turned this right up to full volume on tape, and we had a blow out on the outskirts of Manchester.....Hairy moment, in the middle of the sax break, and thinking it was going to be the last record I'd ever hear......
  13. If anyone could help, I'd be extremely grateful, and would appreciate any response via PM please. Ike Noble-One way street-Sound Patterns James Lately-Love Friends & Money-Temple Sonny Allen-Your love was wonderful-Hit Pack Mad Dog & the Pups-Look into my eyes-Magic City Thanks.....wilxy
  14. Some Great Memories, at several Great Venues, Rest Well Kit.........
  15. If anyone has either of the following, PLEASE PM me, stating condition & price. Little Reuben-In the name of loneliness-NR Mad Dog & the Pups-Look into my eyes-Magic City
  16. Very Sad to hear this, R.I.P Sir..............
  17. Very Sad News, Rest Well Steve.........
  18. Having visited Detroit, several years ago, I was saddened to witness it, "in the flesh so to speak",but had to watch it the other night regardless! There are quite a few more beautiful buildings in total disrepair that weren't televised, however the grassroots positivity certainly does add hope for the future of a once thriving and vibrant city.......
  19. Totally agree Dave",I can feel the pain ", an absolute Awesome 45.....More's the pity his Album remains unreleased, and furthermore, the unissued 45's .......Underrated vocalist that deserved more recognition.......Very saddened by the news... R.I.P. Sir.............
  20. Very sad news......Lamont Dozier, RIP SIR.........
  21. Wanted in Ex condition on Black Gold 07. If anyone has a spare copy, PLEASE PM ME.......SORTED Thanks
  22. If anyone has a spare copy in Ex condition, PLEASE PM me. Thanks...... NOW SORTED , THANK YOU.
  23. Excellent achievement, Long may it continue !
  24. Luckily enough, Blessed to have seen him perform on several occasions, initially at an Inter City Soul club all-dayer in 1974 at Tiffanys Durdham Down , Bristol, and also remember him at the Kings Hall Stoke, where he sang accapella due to issues with the backing track! The Guy will always be a legend in my opinion and unfortunately possibly been taken for granted since his move to the UK......R.I.P. Sir..........

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