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Everything posted by Wilxy

  1. Can't Wait for yet another M5/6 excursion....Well worth the effort for another guaranteed, awesome Soulful experience !
  2. No not that one....It's on Youtube, and it's 'I can't stop this feeling'
  3. I have it on a Phillipino Motown 45, but along with several other Phillipino releases, the basic sound quality is not the best!
  4. Unless I've missed this somehow, possibly one of the best Temptations unreleased 45's IMHO- Hey Girl (I believe from the Cloud Nine LP ....Awesome and unreleased track as far as I'm aware)) and not the Hey Girl I like your style 45-Gordy 7131... And an Anomoly in so much as it was identified as the Contours, but an unreleased track called "I can't stop the feeling"??? I'd love to know who the artist(e)(s) are?
  5. As am I, Whilst not anti Reggae by any stretch of the imagination...It's a definite NO from me!
  6. My first owned vehicle, was as I recall a mini-van around 1975, having failed my first driving test, an apprentice who worked with me at the time in British Steel, drove my van Wigan Bound, that gave up on us on the M6 North, and was towed to the services, where we all spent the night sleeping uncomfortabally until hitching a lift back to South Wales the following day! Van recovered and towed back by his local Milkman, whereby I purchased a replacement 2nd hand engine, to add to the £108 I'd paid for the van at the outset....The furthest it travelled after that was Yate....a few times before it was sold to the local technical college, for whatever....for £20 as an MOT failure......
  7. Whilst already owning the Jimmy Delphs version of "Almost" on US Karen, heard the Betty Lavette version at a recent Ashton Ukranian club played by Luci Jones, and it sounded superb.....Happily recently acquired from Zanetti on here... Thanx to both!
  8. Wanted, preferably White Demo EX, but also issue considered in at least EX condition at fixed price (No offers) PLEASE PM REPLIES ONLY.....THANX.....wilxy
  9. My second visit to this wonderful venue, and totally honoured to play a few tunes, to such a knowlegeable crowd, whilst once again catching up with a few of the BVAN community..... Look forward to yet another visit in due course....Well worth the motorway mileage!
  10. I thoroughly enjoyed my previous visit to the Superb Ashton Ukranian club, which was full of Friendly, Knowlegeable Soul People, whom I can't wait to be amidst once again on March 16th......
  11. There is then the anomoly of items unreleased in the USA, but actually released in "Foreign Climes" including the UK. Usually a track included on an LP, but not as a 7" release Stateside, yet made the cut elsewhere, just to add to the interest of Motown collectors........
  12. Just to throw another anomaly in, but I have the Bobby Eaton 45 "we gonna do our thing"/Fever Fever Fever also on Galaxy 767, but a dark Green promotional not for sale copy??? Apologies but as a technophobe am unable to upload an image.....
  13. Thank you once again for both a fascinating and factual piece on the superb Bridges/Knight/Eaton team.....Very much appreciated !
  14. Above wanted on Yellow Argentinian Tamla Motown 7 ", Please PM
  15. Superb, thanks for that Richard......
  16. Hiya Richard, Awesome ....I don't suppose you could upload a pic of it by any chance could you?
  17. I 'm unaware whether Rod is still active , but what a very knowledgeable as well as a genuinely nice guy..... I subscribed to Midnight Express (I believe I wrote an article on the South Wales Soul scene in one issue? If my memory seves me right).......He later went on to do the superb "Voices from the shadows" magazine! Indeed more Great reading material......Thanks for the downloads of Midnight Express Karl !
  18. As a Newport County supporter since my induction 1962/3 and furthermore, my love of the Soul Scene from 1974/5 said paths were"crossed" in September 1978 after a Friday night oldies session and Wigan Athletics initial football league season We happened to be playing them the following day.....Having spent the early morning at Wigan baths, after said Soul session, we visited the record shops before going to the game! With Newport having been been unsuccessful in obtaining any victory prior, were succesful at Springfield Park for our first season victory of 3-2.....My mate Nick, ,had kindly driven us up to Lancashire in his Mini Clubman, were displaying our club colours of Amber/Black, on our return to South Wales and receiving the complimentary sheep relationship jibes, from the home mob,whilst they were in receipt of the usual reminders of the score etc. ......Punk was the current fashion trend and the spikey haired following were keen to catch us up in their Doc Martens and hob nails and do us some damage, and as the traffic was'nt , moving due to red lights, it seemed that their footfall grew to running pace,whilst we weren't moving !!! Eventually our luck changed as did the lights luckily, and we headed southbound, having enjoyed both an oldies all-nighter along with a first win of the season!
  19. Covers 33 ..........?
  20. Awesome Upload GF.
  21. Quality Sir......
  22. Very Sad news.....R.I.P Sir.....
  23. Thanks Graham.....
  24. Excellent as usual, Thanks Graham.....

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