Further to my earlier post, having bought a second hand pair of Stantons, I was in my "oils", with for the first time, having pitch control (LOL), a couple of years ago, and passing the spare onto my youngest son, I whence.....the problems started! Having messed around with the pitch control for the first time, through sheer curiosity, rather than neccessity, noticed on returning to zero pitch, that firstly, the drivebelt started squealling, followed by a decline in RPM! Sought and purchased several (sized) belts cheaply, and fitted the closest sized belt and eradicated the squeal, however,noticed the pitch had diminished further.....Anomaly or had my motor speed diminished?I'm yet to further the enquiry as it is now boxed in my attic space, due to the kindness of Santa bringing me a Stanton T62 direct drive!
I will rescue it in due course and hopefully sort the"fault"......First real love etc.etc.