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Everything posted by Wilxy

  1. Could anyone please advise, of any comprehensive listings that could identify Motown portfolio releases never issued in the U.S, but released elsewhere worldwide in authentic 7 inch vinyl format? Failing that, would there be any possibility of perhaps compiling such, via these hallowed columns..... Thanks wilxy
  2. R.I.P Toby....
  3. Very Sad to hear of his passing, along with sadly too many of similar ilk, moreover his possibly most well known track, is apt to our ageing following (No disrespect meant to our younger fanatics by the way!) RIP Eddie Foster.....
  4. I've never bought records with the thought of investment, and furthermore find myself as obsessed with collecting as ever! Whilst my attendance of venues has nowadays waned somewhat, my love of the music still remains to the extent, that I find myself prolonging my "working life" to "feed the habit" ......so to speak.....
  5. R.I.P Sir....
  6. I must admit, I look forward to any "new" 60's discoveries, from Motown and really welcome this release, I only hope there's many more to come......
  7. Well done Mike, as stated by all before, and guessing, so many more, Sincere Thanks for Soul Source.......
  8. R I P Sir.......... Respect wilxy
  9. There is an obvious difference, between Derek's "Record Porn"......and Johnny's "Record Pillage"....... Love the "Saxon like" neatness and selectivity, compared to the "Viking like" aggression ......But seriously worry about the financial implications either way..... Me'Lud
  10. As primarily a Detroit collector, I have tended to "accrue" certain titles through certain "blind faith", if indeed, that is the right phrase to use? Hence picking up a few previous unknowns from a personal perspective, and whilst my favourite musical "tipple" mainly originates from the 1960's, my ear is keen for the arousal factor, irrespective of era! The Invictus / Hot Wax labels in particular, a major part of the HDH output,and undeniably "contrived" to prolong their post Motown portfolio, with many classy 45 releases, which need no introduction ,however possibly a "left fielder" from my own usual selections includes a title that sounds better with each hearing...... Earl English-Wanting you-Invictus 1275 (from 1974), maybe a "marmite track" to some, but strikes the right note to me personally....It's on youtube..... alas I'm a Luddite....
  11. Thanks Richard.
  12. Hi Robb, Thanks for that response but the Terra Shirma question was related to the Boo-g-aloo label in particular.
  13. Could anyone tell me please, where the Brothers of Soul recorded their output on the Boo label, assuming said label was Chicago based? Secondly were all the Boo-g-aloo recordings done at Tera Shirma? thanks wilxy
  14. As previously mentioned, with such a huge portfolio, my own Motown favourites include many previously mentioned, however a few I have been airing regularly at home,are coincidentally all on the same label. Ivy Jo -I can feel the pain-VIP Vows-Tell me -VIP Underdogs-Loves gone bad-VIP
  15. R.I.P. Sir...
  16. Great article Chalky, and very apt for yet another classy airing of Pied Piper material....I sincerely hope there's even more of this to come.....Awesome on the ears etc.
  17. R.I.P. Ortheia.....
  18. What a great documentary, thanks for sharing....
  19. Very engrossing and intriguing read.....
  20. Top fella ......Classic ending!

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