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Down Under Soul

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Everything posted by Down Under Soul

  1. Sounds a ripper! Let us know when it's coming out please. KTF cobber
  2. I'll take the Soul Brothers Six and it'll be going to Australia. Can you send me total inc postage please unregistered. Thanks cobber Steve
  3. Hi Pete Just paid £110. Please let me know once it arrives. You always seem to have a pretty good selection to choose from at reasonable prices. So I'll have to keep an eye out for your stuff in future Steve
  4. Ok I'll take them for the prices stated as I don't think they'll last. So I'll need your email again please Pete and I'll pay tonight Cheers mate
  5. Hiya, What's the very best you'll do Denise Lasalle and Clarence Murray for They'll be going to Australia too, so what's the postage as well Thanks cobber Steve
  6. Do you still have the Frankie Karl single for sale Thanks
  7. I'll take Lenny Welch . Can you let me know postage to Australia unregistered please. Thanks Steve
  8. I'll take Lenny Welch . Can you let me know postage to Australia unregistered please. Thanks Steve
  9. Do you still have the Vel-vets and what's best price you'll do Thanks
  10. Anyone got a copy of this on the GORDY label for sale in EX or better condition Temptations I want a love I can See Reasonable price please
  11. Hi would you take £65 for this Thanks mate Steve
  12. Did you get my last message mate. Thanks Steve
  13. Just paid the £55 via PayPal. Please send to S. Hibbert 4 Banyalla Court South Lake 6164 WA Australia
  14. I'll take it ! Please can you give me postage unregistered to Australia Thanks mate Steve
  15. We're movi around too much to be able to post to UK. So how much is the postage unregistered to Oz please Pete
  16. Ok if you can give me invoice with your email address then I can pay you via PayPal. Normally it's pretty good unregistered and my mails being picked up by my neighbour as I'm on holiday here in UK at moment Steve
  17. I'll take the Joe Simon off you unregistered to Australia Please PM details Thanks Steve
  18. Hi, are the Eddie Holman and Joey Heatherton singles still available and if so, what's the lowest you'll go for the two and they be off to Australia Thanks mate Steve
  19. Wanted Terry Woodford Gonna make you say Yeah On Fame label Ex or better and a sensible price Thanks
  20. Hi Do you still have Velvet Hammer for sale? If so would you take 70 quid for it Thanks Steve
  21. Hi The Buster and Eddie I'll take. Please email me your email address so I can pay with paypal to Australia. Thanks Steve
  22. G'day I'll take the Buster and Eddie off your hands. Please email me at info@splashhounds.com.au with your email address so I can pay you via paypal to Australia. Cheers Cobber Steve
  23. WANTED!! Bingo on Wingate in VG++ or better please
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  24. WANTED!! Bingo on Wingate in VG++ or better please

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