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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. Damn ... He wasn't my favourite singer but still a giant. R.I.P.
  2. don't get fooled by your avatar.. ......... great compilations btw - stuff for life absolutely
  3. Interesting subject indeed. I think in the end it always boils down to the situation "well gone dry - start digging in the dirt" - rare funk same as rare soul. Some good might still come out of it, but rarity and quality don't always go together, now do they ? And: the variety of the Northern Soul spectrum serves as an invitation for misleading descriptions, too. I've seen quite a lot of boring 60s-pop-tunes labeled as NS on evilBay, e.g. Well, our french friends call modern (ahem) soul always "funk", syncopated or not
  4. Who's buying that ? Guys who are into REALLY RARE stuff... A lot of this mainly instrumental hardcore funk sounds to my ears as quite soul-less actually. Some Jazz Cats used to call funk "black hardrock" and that's what comes to mind sometimes when I hear heavy jams at an allnighter. Stuff Keb Darge used to play 14 years ago and Eddie Piller 24 years ago. Although it seems to me that the height of funk-mania has passed on the northern scene. Why not move forward at least into the eighties ? There IS soul
  5. So is Mr. Barnfather well again ? I thought I'd read he was quite ill recently or somethin.... Cheers, H.
  6. wow - MOD-ERNISM in full effect nowadays mod mostly means going / fleeing back in time
  7. Brenda Holloway - You've made me so very happy OR The Supremes - Stoned Love OR OR OR
  8. Thanks Macca, but I'm fine. If LaBeat meant he doesn't like us "german blokes" - which I wouldn't imply him per se - we have something in common 'cause I don't like a lot of them either Was just being slightly pissed - a moment of weakness - that some fellas don't want to understand that it's not the point of an interesting thread like this to defend records that are being named here as someone's least favorite "till the cows come home"
  9. I still do like Maxine more.
  10. WOW. "This won't change" by Lester Tipton still remains a mediocre record for me. The sloppy production is arguably my weakest argument here, I give you that. But I stand by my opinion that his voice is really (a little too) weak (remember Pete S. told me / us that Tipton was not a professional singer) and the melody is virtually nonexistent. It is a timid attempt to make a good soul record or even a hit. It shouldn't cost 1000s because as a piece of musical art it just isn't worth that much. NO. Anyway what's the use of this thread if it deteriorates into puttin other people's opinions down ?! Why is it not "allowed" to dislike holy grails ?
  11. That would be great ! Thank you
  12. I would love to find out more in detail about that mysterious "find". Google didn't really help, gave me only the name Ray Dobard.. Thanks in advance.
  13. I prefer the US originals, Tamla, Gordy, Motown, Soul et al. - more variety, nicer to look at / to have for me But I can understand the special value TMGs might have for british guys.
  14. Go here, Mate https://www.broadwayboogaloo.co.uk/boogooA40.htm
  15. Ah, that I didn't know and does explain his, ahem, mediocre singing. Doesn't justify the price tag though, but that's a different subject of course.
  16. Thanks - I figured some guys here must see it my way. Well, Tipton absolutely CANNOT SING, can he ? Probably someone destroyed most of the copies because it came out so shitty - hence the damn rarity
  17. I have to name it now though it surely will get me in trouble: Lester Tipton "This won't change" - No voice (listen closely !), no melody, cheap production, plain terrible. Rare'n'Boring. Why the heck is this record so extremely overpriced ?? Sorry...
  18. good point ! now where are the OSO-Nights ??
  19. QFT ! thanks again everybody - that was a lot more than I could hope to get outta you SS-experts one question remains: will Mr. Dobson care to close the thread himself ?
  20. Time to lay another log on the fire Not rare at all but very moving IMHO. A true masterpiece by Nile and Bernard. Chic - At last I am free and the Facts of Life say "Love is the final Truth"
  21. Thanks a lot everybody for the contribution so far ! Especially to Chalky and Chris Turnbull for the links / pdf The main reason why I've brought up the "subject" here is that I wasn't able to find it myself on the internet. Stuff about the person behind the myth I mean. Seen Butch twice in Bamberg and I found it remarkable how calm and disciplined he works his sets - after all those years on the scene. No fooling around, always focused on delivering the MUSIC it seems. Kinda cool, like some Zen-Master
  22. So I have to admit I'm quite fascinated by this guy. How did he become the legend, how did he acquire such a huge collection and what keeps him going. Anybody here know him well ? I certainly don't expect no intimate facts or stuff like that - just a little bit more insight would be great. I take it he's not active here himself ?
  23. Check out this crossover-groove by Bishop Walter Hawkins:
  24. listening today to some sensual 70s... Alton McClain & Destiny - I've learned to respect the Power of Love Keith Barrow - You know you want to be loved
  25. I love "A Broken Heart Cries" by The Pretenders (KENT, not Chrissie Hynde's gang).

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