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Everything posted by Soulcool

  1. LilJimmyCrank, Shameless self plug or no, I'm from Leeds and I am shameless to say I've never been to these venues,shame on me, I nearly went to Empty Bottles but " I nearly went" dont count I know, what am I going do with myself, not supporting my local events definately shame on me, keep up the good work and delivering the good times, Leeds needs YOU, keep on.
  2. MrC, It sounds like you are all keeping it real in Walsall, I must admit I'm missing THE FUNK, one of the hardest things to do is to keep a club as you say and as I agree with FRESH and every credit to you people for doing that, As I'm from Leeds, Walsall is it bit out of the area, many thanks for your hospitality and offer of invitation, who knows though in the future I may be able to experience the Soul Funk-tion meanwhile enjoy the event for me, thank you, keep on.
  3. Hello KIm, the two room format is always good for me and a mix of beats is all the better, I will try and check this venue out, thanks, keep on.
  4. back street blue, thanks for the City Limits tip my Barnsley pals have been looking for a decent venue and City Limits is worth a try, I'm wondering did you ever tune into that Sheffield pirate radio station was SSR? Steel City Radio??, I remember listening to the?? is "chillfo front" the guys names were "chillpout" "budgie" and "Nigel" they played great music and were a right scream at the same time.
  5. IanP. I don't think I know the Bali Hai, tell me more I'm Interested, love the thought of the Dunlops and cricket whites sounds like one hell of a time, Can't fault the George,Brass and Herbie sounds, its seems the Bali Hai was jazzy n funky, keep on.
  6. IanP, what a great tune that is, I'm sure I have the album somewhwere, a track on it "Going Through the Motions" just superb as well. keep on.
  7. SoulStu, That happened to me that way to me too, I'm with you all the way, definately no going back, always going forward, keep on.
  8. Shout it out loud... "I'M SOULFULL AND PROUD" ..where is your Soul.....where is your heaven.....Mine is strolling through the 5 rooms at the Southport Weekender (when it was still at Southport) and hitting every room when its was peaking, just magic..also the Leeds Central Soul Club (now the Hi-Fi Club) carefully walking down the stairs in the darkness,stepping into the club and then being smashed by a soulbeat wall of sound, its small its compact its great,,,,, HELL ( I mean HEAVEN) they could be playing jingles from an ice cream van and you would still have a good time.....Did you pray today and thank the lord above... where is your SOUL HEAVEN OF GOOD TIMES... ps solar radio ain't half bad either.
  9. back street blue, kim, thanks for your replies and advice on the clubs, enjoy the good times, keep on.
  10. Thanks for your reply, I will watch the soul-source events forum for the Soul In Bowl sessions,a venue I did enjoy was the Wilton Ballroom in Castleford this club did not play Jazz, Latin Hip,Hip Hop played either, the quality of music northern/modern played is and still is exceptional and I would class the Wilton Ballroom as a Real Soul Club, wow what am I becoming I''ll be talking about Real Ale Beer soon on original beer mats only, I just can't get enough of hearing new tunes, enjoy your time at Soul In the Bowl,Keep On.
  11. Who else is looking forward to the Opening of the Longfield Suit (Prestwich) in May 2014. I am for sure, the place got the mix between Northern Soul and Modern Soul just about correct for me. Moving between the two rooms at this venue means anyone could enjoy themselves, personally I enjoyed the smaller modern room the most, its atmoshere, good time's guarenteed, quality music, the mixture of modern styles, great. So until the Longfield Siute opens where are the real soul clubs, I'm not looking for a single style music venue, but a venue that mixes all soul music stlyes. Say from beat ballad Northern, 60's 70's to 2014, Funk, Latin, Jazz,Hip Hop these styles all have Soul. Real Soul Clubs Where Are they......

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