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Everything posted by Soulcool

  1. Northern Soul UK, no worries mate, what a venue, I remember the good 'ol days, gents only had one lav n hand wash basin, the bar was 5 x 2 feet, the transformation to date is impressive, lets not forget the glitter ball, be proud keep up the good work and the good times, Keep On.
  2. mickeyjay33, I'm with you on the pirate radio trip, what about Radio Caroline, and was there a Radio North Sea or was that just a shell in my ear, Keep On.
  3. smudger, just played your sound file, I mean can anyone say it better than you, the message is definately in the music, sorted, a tune for the morning, noon or night, Keep On.
  4. footstomper, yeah the Blackpool Mecca its a legend, I missed the early days and a lot of the later days, the tunes they played are just as good today, awesome, Keep On.
  5. Louis, Do you mean the Wilton Ballroom at Glasshoughton I'm with you all the if thats the venue you mean, Sheridans I only know that as drink if thats the drink you mean I'm with you all the way again, if I'm mistaken let me know, thanks. Keep On.
  6. Crogger, nice one, you have been living your Soul Heaven a good three or four years before me congratulations and you don't look as though your stopping yet, The Twisted Wheel sounds a lengend of a place I would have liked to have experience the venue for myself, I can only go by what people have told me and I would love to hear some first hand experiences of the Twisted Wheel, the music, the place itself, the people, what went on, keep the stories coming and keep the place alive, Just a thought The Torch was a legend but I don't seem to hear much of this venue these days if anyone including yourself has any stories let me know about them, I always enjoy a good tale about a good time, Keep On.
  7. Pete S, no-one can argue with someones personal taste in music and I'm not going to argue either, let me know what tunes and venues are your Soul Heaven,enjoy the good times, Keep On.
  8. Incognito, I like your name and I love the group the Bali Hai sounds like a venue I should have been to but it seems sadly I missed out, here in Leeds, we had Belinda's for the jazz funk, Was the Nottingham Palais one of the first venues to host the first of the House Music reviews, I was at the Roof Top Gardens in Wakefield, Larry Heard, Marshall Jefferson, Sweet D, Adonis wer performing for the first time in the UK, what a night that was, I did hear that the same people performed in Nottingham but I'm stiil not sure where, Keep On.
  9. Labeat, you are right I totally agree with you for a single club to be able to mix all those different syles of music, it would be a challege to say the least, I was I suppose just casting a net out their to find out what is really happening to Soul music scene and I am enjoying the replies from people and listening to their views of the Soul scene, my personal feeling is that we have never had it so good, the events, the music, the people still clubing regularly, collectively we are some force to be reckon with and there is no sign of us slowing down either,thank you for the venue information, I've been to Radcliffe and enjoy a "jug" of ale or two and loved that little funky room, Keep On.
  10. Sean,all I can say is WOW!, what an event I will definately be mentioning this event more than once to my pals,I will take a second look at that link,Sounds like a kick start to a Soufull summer, thank you, keep on.
  11. turntableterra, Er?. er?. erm??. which bus do I catch to oz then??, you be as shamless as you want cobber, let the music play and let the people play, I hope you are packed to the koulabar trees your on your next event, as long as you don't play the same old bilalbong ( thats oz ryeming slang for song) I reckon you will be ok, Soul fans support this event when your somewhere near, turntableterra are you uk ex-pat or Australian, tell us about yourself and your venue and bring the people to your music, keep on
  12. Hello MAK, I'll drink to that, who's round is it, keep on.
  13. Thanks for the information, I will be in Manchester that Saturday 15th Feb.,but if I wasn't, your information is more than appreciated and would make sure my soul pals know about the event, thanks very much its frustrating I cannot be there, with so many events going on we have never had it so good, if we all got together what a soul/funk army we would make,keep on.

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