I know this post is donkey's years old but have just been taken back in time reading it......great post
Most certainly do.....spent many a happy, drunken night in there about mid 70's. What a place......
Brent......I lived and breathed the Cromwellian in Bolton......my most favourite place in town early 70's. Was where I got acquainted with all the early soul classics down there in the basement. Remember Wick well and recently got back in touch with him through facebook (he's on my friends list).....he lives in Cardiff now. Another DJ from there that I remember well was Colin McGreavy......think he has something to do Bolton's Reebok stadium now, something to do with the entertainment/audio side I think. There was another DJ there who used to spin the records with Wick and Colin that I can picture but just can't remember his name. I think you are absolutely right too about the Cromwellian playing a big part in the soul scene all those years ago......some fab old 60's classics played there. And as for Wick's father being an African American Soldier??? .....I'll ask him for ya!!! haha
Remember Rubin well (wore specs like the bottoms of old milk bottles... ), but used to know him better from going to a couple of the cellar parties that he used to have down in the Henry Street area near Orlando Bridge in Bolton (used to get raided a lot by the police ). Sadly not with us anymore (RIP ). I used to go to his house sometimes with a guy I was seeing at the time who knew him......remember his wife/partner Jenny
Loved the Wheatsheaf.....regular haunt and meeting place of mine early 70's. Do you remember Cerbert??
Not sure if it's the same Phil Jackson, but was he a black guy who used to be on the doors at Scamps?? If it's the same one, then he's a friend of mine that I see quite often (was with him on Thursday). Might not be same one though because he's a bit younger than me.
Brent, did you ever know a guy called Oggy (Willy Ogden) who used to work behind the bar at VaVa's?? If you did, I'm still in touch with him and was with him at the same time as Phil Jackson and a few other friends on Thursday
Remember Jimmy Muirhead well (very, very sad about his passing...RIP) and still see Fred Dicky at the soul nights at the Rumworth in Bolton. Lots of other names that you might remember as well