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Everything posted by Raresoulsearcher

  1. Hi, looking to buy the 2 issues I'm missing of my "shades of soul" collection. I need issues 21 & 32. I thought I had these at the time but I've just looked to find these 2 as I believe issue 32 to be the last! Please PM me to discuss price or if someone can copy them to a acrobat pdf file, so I can print off here. I'm annoyed they're missing as they were there.
  2. Dave, did you still want to sell you Barry St. John, if so let me know. Mark
  3. I'm still looking for a copy of Barry St. John
  4. Hi yes still looking just depends on price. Hi yes still looking just depends on price.
  5. After the following in vg+ or above condition (SOME LEEWAY!) 45s Trends - Not Too Old To Cry - ABC Tony Colton - I Stand Accused - ABC / UK PYE Bobby Sansom - Happiest Day Of My Life - Atca George Hughley - That's Why I Cry - Buddah Keni Lewis - What's Her Name - Buddah Barry St. John - Everything I Touch Turns To Tears - UK Columbia Spidells - Pushed Out Of The Picture - Coral Districts - One Lover (just won't- Nile Naturals - Don't Just Stand There - Path Other Brothers - I'm Gonna Find Love - Pet Henry Trenaire - Where Did My Baby Go - RST Johnny Bartel - If This Isn't Love - Solid State Padded Cell - Mister Misery - Toddlin Town LP's Maxine Brown - Out Of Sight - Epic Frank Dell - Yesterday's People - Guinness Mark Hanson soulie66@live.com or PM
  6. Hi Im interested in the HARVEY AVERNE BAND - NEVER LEARNED TO DANCE -RED WAX M- £19
  7. HARTSHILL SPORTS CLUB Victoria Road Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV10 0LS Join Paul Shaw, Adey Cope and Ralph Forster for a night of rare northern, crossover and modern soul and forgotten oldies. Guest Colin Chamberlin (Lank) admission is £3 pp or £5 couples 20:00 - 01:00 More info at https://facebook.com/events/s/pure-soul-hartshill-nuneaton/2249412925360439/?ti=cl
  8. My mate Paul, is desperate for Paris or Donna King - Take Me Home originals.?
  9. Knowledge is power! You never know these artists may have copies of this rare record or can recollect how 2 great recordings (flip - taste of the good life is equally good) were made!
  10. Vondells played by Gary Spencer
  11. I had a red issue until stupidly selling Guy Hennigan 15 odd years ago! I presumed it was a reissue being the later Smash design. Not until I saw a demo, did I realise my mistake. And not knowing it was a different flip! Anyone get a copy and want to part with it. Please contact me.
  12. The Horace's copy of Carla Thomas b/w Barbara Lewis "the stars" is going for £80!!!!!
  13. John just sent me this : "Last Wednesday morning at 9:16 am my heart had slowed to less than 10 beats per minute. I had a problem called Bradycardia. I now have a new pacemaker and I feel like an 18 year old. Like Scrooge on Christmas morning. A whole new lease on life."
  14. John Rhys collapses last week! Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  15. Just wanted everyone to know (if you don't know), that John Rhys collapses having some sort of episode where he stops breathing. Here's the email Matt Lucas mailed me earlier today: "Hi, I just got off the phone with John Rhys and a week ago today he almost died. His wife gave him cpr for over a half hour before the Medics got there. He had to get a Pacemaker put in but seems in good sprits now. His heart was beating to slow they said and he has more energy now. He told me he will be at the Detroit a go go show next year, hopefully."
  16. Hi, has anyone know of Dave withers username used to sell records on discogs or ebay? It used to be dandk I think?

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