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Jessie Pinkman

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Everything posted by Jessie Pinkman

  1. The countdown to 9am every Monday morning for his latest titles to go live is akin to queueing up outside Harrods for their Christmas sales.
  2. Wow 23, all those years of hanging around with Messrs Dyson & Coney hasn't affected you one bit mate, well on the outside it hasn't
  3. I was at Broughton Wings the night Sam first played it, he was super excited to see the dancefloor reaction to it. it fell flat, however he persevered with it and made it the Soul Sam anthem that it is now. I was at Culcheth as well when he played it to another appreciative crowd. I can't be certain but he may well have played it at Skegness but someone else played his first.
  4. That's 1 record Julien that needs playing at most once a night, less would be better
    I totally agree with the reviews already posted on here. Musically top notch to a great appreciative crowd. Rarities mixed in with lesser known stuff Highlight of the night for me was when Carl blasted out Harold Melvin's "Bad Luck" mixed in between the quality rare stuff, next the doors burst open and this guy, probably on his way to the toilet from the modern room, ran onto the already busy dancefloor with that I love this record look on his face, and there's me thinking and so do I. So that's the 3rd one I've attended and each ones been better than the last. Next month it's the Grumpy takeover, as the saying goes beat that if you can.
  5. Absolutely mate. I'll see you later on.
  6. Baz, what cool vibe are we most likely to hear in the Modern Room tomorrow night. I loved The Ellis Hall Group "Those passing words" you put us onto a few months ago. What's this months recommended top TUUUUUNNNNE.
  7. That makes it a proper double sider or as Baz likes to call them a twofer
  8. Which side does it for you Carl, for me Rollin Rollin's possibly one of the best things I've heard in the last 20 years. The backing singers are just brilliant.
  9. Perfect Mate, either side of Dennis Edwards is acceptable as well
  10. Simon, don't forget to play something for our brother from Gorton.
  11. Correct Mick, however Lady seems to be creeping up in value.
  12. Would I be correct in thinking Tommy Turner's still in Simon's playbox,
  13. I've just watched the first 2 episodes of Monsters. The Lyle & Erik Menendez Story. on Netflix. I kept thinking to myself surely this can't be true. Well recommended.
  14. You're comparing Northern Soul gigs that are on every week,52 weeks a year to an Oasis gig that the fans have been waiting for 15 years, so of course they want Wonderwall etc.
  15. Neal it's Retta Young and there's a couple on discogs. I think Flanny has one.
  16. Excellent news, I was hoping they'd do another series.
  17. Thanks Mark for the wonderful music over many years. I was wondering if you've still got most of them in your collection or have you parted with some as they became uncovered or more readily available.
  18. Nice one, looking forward to them.
  19. Relrased is one of them Bazism's that he likes to confuse us with.
  20. Thanks Mick.
  21. Baz, I can't get this to work, I've tried bashing the keyboard. Is it one for the modern room or is it northern.
  22. I just pointed out the fact that it's the same record, it's you that made a big deal out of it. There should be a new set of Manship auction results to discuss, forget last weeks
  23. Actually you said Even the 'Detroit Prophets' version of Suspicion. There's no Detroit Prophets version, it's The Originals speeded up.

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