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Jessie Pinkman

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Everything posted by Jessie Pinkman

  1. Just try and stop me lol
  2. On the subject of Simon, I'm sure he can be persuaded to give this floorpacker a spin too
  3. The first time I heard this beauty from Edwin Starr played out was here at Culcheth when Simon played it in one of his sets. Will you be playing it again this time please Mr Ingham
  4. On the subject of Global Records a former employee once told me that he found a box of Spider Turners on Goodtime in a warehouse in the US and dispatched them all to the Manchester record store. Thinking more copies would be arriving they were sold accordingly (ie cheaply) but no more were found, in fact I'm not sure anymore were found anywhere and it has remained very rare. I waited over 40years to get a copy and thankfully that came via my good friend Simon. He snapped one up on S.S. and knowing it was one of my top wants let me have it. What a gent.
  5. Hi Mick, Sorry mate but I don't have Liz Verdi anymore, I think Les played it at Culcheth last time out. On one of my few visits to Manchester's Global Records in the mid 70's Rick highly recommended this piece of soulful perfection that had just arrived in store, Skip Jackson "I'm on to you girl" and most definitely one for such a grand occasion as the Ukrainian Clubs 5th anniversary
  6. Happy New Year Andrew, It'll be great to catch up, No problem with Curtis Lee Here's one from Cleethorpes many years ago and packing dancefloors all over again. J.J.Caillier, Pusherman
  7. As well as 70's classics there'll be plenty of 60's Northern too like this one from The Moments.
  8. You mentioned earlier in the thread Karmello Brooks "Tell me baby", I played it at Swinton on Boxing day and Gibby told me everytime he hears it played out somewhere he gets in touch with Karmello and lets her know. How good is that.
  9. 4 hours ago, Jessie Pinkman said: Hi Mick, Yes what a track and I never knew it came out on a 45 as well This is also a great record by Sammy Lee "What goes around" (not the ex Liverpool player lol) Expand Oh Yeah what a record and a Russ Winstanley spin at the casino,or did I imagine that? Yes Mick I've heard it was played at the Casino, Kev Roberts once told me he played Vernon Greene "Look at me,look at me" at Wigan and it cleared the dance floor so I can only imagine what Sammy Lee did
  10. Hi Mick, Yes what a track and I never knew it came out on a 45 as well This is also a great record by Sammy Lee "What goes around" (not the ex Liverpool player lol)
  11. A.K.A Sir Bob, Eddie A.K.A Simon asked me to post a few tracks to whet the appetite for this special occasion so over the next few day's I'll be sifting through the playbox for possible plays, this first one Emanuel Taylor I bought for the flipside the equally brilliant "You really got a hold on me" not knowing this wonderful piece of 70's soul was hiding on the flip. I tried to find a copy on the original Bernard label on you tube for this post but I could only find this reissue so enjoy this
  12. A Killer tune for Halloween, Jesse SLAUGHTER
  13. With King Colin playing this Saturday reminded me of these 2 quality records that blew me away when I first heard them played in the Highland Room My copy of Hokis Pokis is on a different label than this one
  14. With King Colin playing this Saturday reminded me of these 2 quality records that blew me away when I first heard them played in the Highland Room
  15. Good evening Steve & Mick, this all new to me unlike you 2 seasoned pros. Great to catch up here next week. The big lad's coming over all being well, he was bang on form the other night when I spoke to him, I couldn't get a word in edgeways. Onwards & upwards here's 2 more for the big room.
  16. Just one more
  17. Jessie Pinkman AKA Sir Bob lol, Here's my debut post and a couple of tracks for next Saturday's early doors crowd
  18. Hi I'm looking for a copy of The Chaumonts ~ Love is the thing on either label, and also The Arabians ~ School is cool, If you can help me, it would be much appreciated. Many thanks Rob
  19. Original only please on The Soulville All-Stars "Nobody to blame", I'm also still after The Arabians "School is cool". Any help would be much appreciated. Many thanks. Robert
  20. If you have a copy of The Arabians "School is cool" collecting dust somewhere and fancy getting rid then PM me Thanks a lot
  21. Is the album still available
  22. Hi Paul I may be interested in the Wilson Pickett EP. Is the price negotiable? Let me know Bob bobalou@btinternet.com

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