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Jessie Pinkman

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Everything posted by Jessie Pinkman

  1. Is Ian Cunliffe only on for 30 minutes?
  2. Dave, I've never had the pleasure of owning this, so it's a no from me.
  3. I know, I've never mentioned it before. I promise not to tell anyone about my conversation with Sidney Barnes at Prestatym whilst I was in the shower lol
  4. Great record, she signed my copy when she turned up at my house one Thursday night on her way to perform at Fleetwood that weekend with 2 very good friends of ours, she had a coke and ice cream whilst listening to records and chatting about her past boyfriends. If I'd known she was coming I'd have bought a bottle of champagne.!
  5. I love the flip as well "I wanna thank you"
  6. Bill Wildman posted this track from the Isley Brothers on facebook as a possible play in the modern room this Saturday and I have to say even though it made no 11 in the US R&B chart in 1980 It's certainly one that passed me by. WOW. perfect Isleys.
  7. A past Culcheth play for Les Harrison and always packs the dancefloor
  8. I can't say I've heard the Tommy Rodgers track. So that's another good reason to go to Culcheth this Saturday.
  9. Jordan,will Shirley J Scott get an outing. It sounded great the first time I heard it from behind the speakers, I need a second hearing from the front this time.
  10. Ahh, he's wearing the leather gear like on his profile photo. hmmm nice. I prefer a parka & a Lambretta SX200 You say normal service will be resumed he goes around with Darren & Robbo lol
  11. Joe Douglas Something to brag about great double sider. Robbo sometimes plays the flipside Crazy things which I prefer actually, I think it suits his vocal better but what do I know. PS I'm sending out a search party for Simon AKA Eddie Foster.
  12. Rob Thomas told me at Culcheth a couple of months ago that this should have come out on Shrine but money or some deal or other was owed to Jet Set Records so Eddie Singleton let them have this recording. As per usual when I'm out, it goes in one ear & out the other, but that bit stuck in there.
  13. Here he is J C C, how good is this
  14. This one from Danny Denver reminds me of the brilliant Johnny Clyde Copeland on Suave, maybe not as good but not many are to be honest.
  15. Another glorious oldie this time from the Jay Walkers, the louder you scream the faster we go. lol
  16. I've just about recovered from my thoroughly enjoyable (in a masochistic sort of way) 60 minutes playing all things modern/TSOP in the modern room last month to stormers like this one from the Jades this time. Not for the faint hearted this one.
  17. I haven't decided yet Dave. I'll RSVP nearer the time.
  18. Hi Dave, Great choice The Jades "Hotter than fire" infact I play it myself at Culcheth however like you say the Virtue reissue isn't rare but the original Cherry Red label is getting harder to find. I'm sure if Alan was thinking of playing it then it would be on the original Cherry Red, OVO and all that. I'm gonna try to get over for this one as I missed him at Ashton Ukrainian Club
  19. Ah I thought Simon had one, so that's 3 Gambrells then. About time we had something he doesn't have. tee hee
  20. This one from Derick Hughes was always a personnel favourite of mine at TSOP, not one of the anthems but still a great record. Most of the anthems are finding their way into the CD case & 12"box ready for Saturday.
  21. The Gambrells rarity wise it's not in the same league as Billy Woods but normally there's 4 copies of "You better move" in the Dj's boxes at Culcheth, and I thought these records were meant to be rare. lol
  22. Martin I'll have you know I'm playing CD's this Saturday for all those cool cats and hip swingers in the modern room, they'll let you in as well,no problem.
  23. Martyn I know it's a bugger that having to take the record off the turntable before you can play the flipside. In the old days I'd have a fag in one hand and a pint in the other, how are you suppose to start flipping the records over as well. Ah a Juke box that's what you need.
  24. I always loved spinning this at Prestwich, proper tune with a capital T, Blacknuss"Tonight's the night" How could I forget to mention the insane horn duel goin' on midway through. just brilliant on here. massive on Baz's sound system.
  25. I dj'd at that niter a few times but didn't Pete Hollander run that with Mark.

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