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Jessie Pinkman

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Everything posted by Jessie Pinkman

  1. The wrestler was Shirley Crabtree, I'm sorry I don't know anything about the venue.
  2. Forget the coloured labels Simon, as long as one of them has Mac Staten printed on it on it then that'll do for me .
  3. Are you saving the Yellow ones till last or are you going to try and go a full set without relying on even one. They said it can't be done, a full set without a Yellow label.
  4. He made you a badge but he never gave it to you.
  5. Whatever Robbo calls you is nothing compared to what he calls me, you can't take it seriously, just ask Mick what he use to call him.
  6. You certainly had it dark at Blackburn Mick, It was always a pleasant surprise who I'd missed when the lights came on at the end of the night
  7. Somebody should do a Northern Soul play 1984 Once Upon A Time In Stafford.
  8. I wonder if John Hurt was asked how many classic race meetings he'd won before getting the role to play Bob Champion in Champions, You also mentioned radio producer, so how does northern soul dancing on the radio work, I'd still be a rubbish dancer even on the radio.
  9. Sandy Holt, he has his own Thai Boxing club in Bolton.
  10. I only dealt with him once, I ordered and paid for Hank Jacobs "Elijah rockin with soul" and I received Dave Mitchell "The Trip" with a note Sorry Hank Jacobs sold I hope this is okay instead as it's going to be played at the Mecca.
  11. I don't know mate, it wasn't a date, we only used their car park for the important stuff like record dealing.
  12. I remember buying mine off you Baz and we sorted out the deal on a restaurant car park, like you do.
  13. Simons got so many records being flown over here from the US, I'm surprised Just Stop Oil haven't sprayed him with Orange paint.
  14. You've got THE FIXER & THE FINISHER on, sounds like a couple of wise guys in a Martin Scorsese movie.
  15. Mick, not forgetting the Silent Assassin, Lowton head supremo Kev Murphy as well. WOW
  16. I'm sure the auction will do very well for Maria, let's face it if anybody's going to achieve the best price , it's JM
  17. So it's harsh to criticise Terri Goodnight but it's okay to trash Jax Transit Authority cos somebody's paid big money for it. Given a choice of the two records there's no contest IMHO.
  18. Dave's given his opinion, whether you agree with it or not is up to you. I don't think a couple of negative comments on here will affect anybody's enjoyment of a record that they love, I'm sure the positive comments from members will be forthcoming.
  19. Baz I think you have a photo compilation of Ted wearing some of his wonderful shirt collection somewhere in the Lowton archives.
  20. Baz or to give him his full name Arthur Pumpkin Griswold (according to YT)
  21. For me the production of a record isn't a problem, whether they're the big productions of the MGM's to the low budgets of Modo Records. I think the basic requirement of a soul record is that the vocalist can sing in tune. I'm not talking about Luther Vandross or Aretha Franklin level, just a decent vocal performance will do. Take The Changing Scene "When the city sleeps" for example, the main vocalist kills that song for me, I can't listen to the whole of the record without stopping it.
  22. Rob I don't think you and Baz are talking about the same person.
  23. JM always calls records that are still in their company sleeves, birth sleeves.

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