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Everything posted by gary33

  1. Ok I'll get my coat Actually, you're right. The "atmosphere" helps a lot. Thanks for your quick replies.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply. It's a girl singer 90 mph record just after (I think GetOff My Concience?).
  3. I was traveling in my time machine last night. Had it set to the Casino 1979 (Oldies Allnighter?). I found this great video from Gerry Logan . Yes, the sound isn't great but it's the real thing. Back in the day you needed a car battery to power a tape recorder! Can anyone name the track / artist starting around 37 minutes please? Thanks, Garry.
  4. Thanks. I guess that is unanimous then!
  5. From the Kings Hall July 2013 Allnighter.... Short clip (about 3 mins 18 secs into the video) just before Superlatives - I Still Love you. I cannot get this out of my head. Thanks

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