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Everything posted by Jonko

  1. I reposted as a Doc - so it shouldn't read all in the message now, you can download the doc to your computer (or view it). Cheers
  2. I am currently selling all my collection from the 70s. The boots and repros are going on ebay (150 up there now) but the originals and official reissues have put into a list that I have been circulating to collectors on FB etc so some of you may already have seen this list. For others, I am pasting the link here (hope thast its ok to post here mods? If I posted it in the wrong please let me know or if you can simply move please do, Thanks). Please take a look and hopefully there will be something you would like. The first 150 are graded and prices but I just haven't had time to do the second half of the list. If you want something that is not priced, you can either make a reasonable offer or contact me and I will grade it and send you the prices. Can't be fairer that than can I. Email me on john.kino@good.co.uk if there is anything you want - mentioning that you saw my post on here. If you are on Facebook, you can see the front of the labels here (though you may have to freind me first, not sure). My grading goes like this (out of 10) Grading MT 10/10 NM 9/10 Ex 8/10 VG + 7/10 VG 6/10 G 5/10 G — 4.5/10 etc Ok I tried, the list but it went all over the place when I posted it so deleted it and attaching it as a file. I hope this works. Sales list - originals.doc
  3. The double vocal one grows on you after a few plays! Has anyone sold a copy of this recently - say in the last 12months as I reliease this thread was a bit old before I posted in it yesterday.
  4. Yeah, mine is without the drumrole. That is weird as it has like double vocal on it. Think I prefer the one without. HOw much is this worth these days?
  5. What and where is the Bongo roll ? Is this how to identify it. The matrix numbers scrated in the run of has the -1 after them (both sides), Does this mean anything?
  6. I recently found a copyof this in my stored away collection, how do I know which is the sought after version? Can anyone help identify which my copy is? thanks.
  7. First ever post on here as a noobie! Did you ever get to bottom of that Pointer Sisters issue. I have one of the ones red and white demo with red text. I always thought it was an original (bought it of John Anderson at Soul Bowl) in those days as an original demo. So you guys mean its a boot that I got after all this time! (been reading the two threads about this one). I was gonna sell my original but obviously if its not I may as well just keep hold if it - not sure now. Anyway, did you guys decide its a boot or not?

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