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Everything posted by Jonko

  1. Wow amazing . Never new about this label. Where do I buy these?
  2. Anyone got one for sale please. PM if you can help.
  3. I’m after this as well if anyone has one. What silly price did the one on JM auction end up going for.?
  4. I knew it was a mistake when I first saw the post about someone making a Northern Soul float for the pageant. They should never of done one anyway - who wants to be associated with the jubilee. What has the queen ever done for us working class soul lads. Naff all. Abolish the monarchy!
  5. If was an incorrect badge why was it even put on the wagon? Surely if whoever organised it were a ~Northern soul fan. then they would have seen the mistake and not included on the float!
  6. How much would that be?
  7. Anyone got a got of 5th dimension for sale at a decent price on Souls City? The 5th Dimension* - I'll Be Lovin' You Forever / Train, Keep On Movin'
  8. do you have a image of the sleeve and labei of the original that you want please so I can check mine?
  9. Just after a cheaper Goldmine Sevens Just missed one on ebay yesterday that went for £25. Anyone got one they want to move on? Parliaments / Bob & Fred – Heart Trouble / I'll Be On My Way
  10. Anyone got an original issue of Virginia Wolves / Stay on Amy please? Not the 70s pressing. Thanks
  11. Ah sorry, I didn't see the title as I am not familiar with that track. Sorry.
  12. I am sure this has been asked many times on here not sure if any of the others had any success but Yes, I am looking for The Rotations - (Put A Dime On) D9. Does anyone selling a copy at a decent price or that am impossible question these days - prices as they are. I am interested to know what it would cost me to acquire one. Thanks in advance for all those anticipated replies arriving soon
  13. Which George Jackson track is it you are after?
  14. I wish I could have one of those. Never even seen one. Good luck. Will be interesting to see if you get offered one.
  15. gonna message you
  16. Strange there doesn't seem to be a way to send someone a PM on here. Betty Lavette do you have email address.
  17. Have you still got billy davis stanky get funky?
  18. interested in one of your records. can i PM you on here
  19. Well I know this is a few years later but as this thread is still open I wanted to contribute something. My personal copy what I got when it was realised in 1979 is the emi one but do other folks who bought it then remember the insert that came with it?
  20. I think I still have a copy of this in my dwindling northern soul collection. Send me a message if you want to make an offer.
  21. Ok cool. I was in a thread on FB and folks seem to be really confused about this one and some were saying it has to have this under the lable stamp and 8pm and or on flip side others said, very confusing. But I thought that it was, just wanted clarify what that thing is about the stamp under the label.
  22. I was reading this as I am trying to determine if the copy of the Epitome of Sound I have had storeed away in my collection for the last 30year plus is the original or not, but I beleive it is very hard to tell. Its flesh/creamy colou (but more flesh I believe ) the the red txt. There is no stamped matrix in the run out deadwax so how do I tell? I see there is something stamped under the lable about the 2pm position but I can't forsake tell what it is supposd to be. Can anyone help??
  23. Right everyone. I'm really sorry if not been back to you. I just been acceptionally busy this last week. I have had a stack of replies and I will be working my way through them this weekend in the order that requests came in so you can expect a reply soon. In fact I have now mesaged everyone who sent me a mesage on here. Thanks again for your interest. If you can forward any further message to me via email to me at john.kino@good.co.uk it will get to me sooner than this and you will get a quick reply. Please mention your Soul Source ID so I can pair the messages up. thanks you so much and apologies again for delay. Best John
  24. Its as office doc so you should be able to open it, if you have problems then email me and will send it via email. Thanks

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