always wanted Rich's old motor, Opel GT summat or other with TMG no. plate, think it was Stevie Wonder record, TMG440???? Rich had US labels only, apart from one UK i gave him at Trotters, Barbara Lewis' -Pushing A Good Thing... Can still see his face when he came over to Red Lion at Mansfield to see " Brian the Singing Miner", priceless.
nearly brawling at Tracky one Boxing Day, someone accused me of drinking his Guinness, he was only one there that drank the stuff!!! twat. his pint was on next table.
used to travel up with Tats and Rob, Chalky, Bully and rest of crew, them were t'days ;-)
Was on holiday in Tunisia few years back and met lass in Irish bar that used to go to Tracky with her sister, can't remember her name at moment, left her couple of dvds with Northern on, had it on all time in bar after that.