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Put herald

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Everything posted by Put herald

  1. lets see in 15 years how many people are at established events.seems to me of your not a wigan young soul you dont get a look in.only commenting on what i see in the midlands.
  2. where is ns gonna be in15-20 years time if young soulies are not encouraged in the scene? how about soul event organisers seeking out out and giving spots to young uns at events. isnt it time we started to look at the future before its too late?
  3. it should read while russ winstanly plays do i love you on the tower wurlitzer.POXY PHONE!!!
  4. we have to accept that entrepreneus eventually find a way but with commersialisation comes dilution and this is happening at a frightning speed over the last 10 years, and in my mind it hurts.kfc calling there product soul food while the outlets play ns , it hurts.stepping over pissed up arseholes at a allnighter, some silly cow saying judy streets what wasnt as good as soft cells (yes she said it)greatest ever all nighters.world dancing championships, how to dance dvd.party mix cd what next? northern soul karaoke or richRd searling advertising the latest sex with soul condom while russ winstanly plo i love you on the blackpool tower wurliszer.all im saying is to people who think any of the above is ok you dont know or understand northern soul.my passion for ns is no greater than mrs m or thousands of other soulers despite what era you were doing your nights its to these i say for the last time you dont know kyou wernt there!!
  5. no offence taken at all.as i sed the 50s elite thing is in a earlier post.just having a dig!
  6. i agree mate but what can you do? no use soundimg like grumpy old men is it? its like immigration theres no reverse gear! different era, different concept ktf
  7. the quote elite50s was aimed at a earlier sarcastic post !i dont care from what decade people found , listened or fell in love with northern or rare soul not enough from 80s or 90s in my opinion to keep it going for the future.no offence meant.but to those who come onto the northern or rare soul scene and think that the new happy i, s a soul classic, kings hall is the best ever all nighter .that the winnerat blackpool really is the ns dancing world champion and that you can be taught to dance by a six year veteran o a dvd i repeat dot tell me what its all about YOU WERNT THERE!!
  8. I can't understand why people can't understand that the scene from the 60s and 70s has gone never to be again.the wonderful nights and days,the meeting up,the exiting apprehension of what was to be played,who was gonna be there,where we were going next,will never be again! NS lost its soul a long time ago.best of CDs ,crap films.(soul boy was shite).big event nights like kings hall nighter where legendary (ahem) DJs do nights where giggling girls in high heels holding glasses with straws in dance in a circle while on a hen night.wigan young souls who think they own the scene cos they appear in the new film.how to dance CDs are just another nail in the coffin of the scene but that's just the way it is and its unchangeable.just remember ( over50s elite) how wonderful it was and under50s remember YOU WERNT THERE!!! Put my slippers on on Friday and Saturday nights wishin they were my brogues.lie in bed wishing it was a train station bench,head on pillow wishing it was my bag,take my vitamins wishing they were bombers but the glow in my heart will always be there unlike the plastics!!
  9. The party mix cd is it original????
  10. Oh yove got to be f#%!ing joking!!!!

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