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Put herald

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Everything posted by Put herald

  1. Many thanks.How much is a fair price for it?
  2. Is Barbara McNair your gonna love my baby rare in the Canadian Motown label? cant seem to find one except a seller on discogs wanting £350
  3. Dance floor to die for. Quality soul venue!
  4. no not just come out of hibernation mate just bored.heres the thing,i would never ridicule anybody about there taste in soul.after the casino and st ives i became a pub manager so time away from work was scarce.went to ns nights when i could , ranthem in my pubs if they were big enough.quit the pubs and had more time on my hands.admittedly i lost touch a little.went to new rare soul nights, wasnt for me.nothing that was played made the hair on my neck stand up like the first time i heard sam dees lonly for you baby or dee dee sharps majestic voice on what kind of lady so i slipped back into my comfort zone.i do sometimes go to caliente in peterborough to listen to what they play but again in doesnt do it for me but again i would never ridicule them .so your childish post from you and your mate only proves a freind of mine rightly sed dont go on soulsources forom its full of pretentius bitter sad obnoxiois know all (know fuck alls) you could ever wish to meet.last post on here from me ever no great loss you might say and i agree! happy souling whatever your format
  5. Im 51 mate dont want spots thanks.i only wanted to ask how do we get young uns into ns djaying.wish i hadnt bothered.as one post sed theres 25 years left in it so why worry.some of the replies are pretentious ,childish and shocking but theres so many ns arseholes out there i should have expected it! good playing djs young or old!
  6. Maybe tolerance should start with the know it alls!
  7. How do you expect new talent to come through if its ovo.let me tell you that half the claimed originals arnt.all im saying is give em a spot.just cos the records a expensive original doesnt make it good!theyre not trying to take over accomplished djs although i wish some of em would!
  8. £1300 For it'll never be over for me yesterday on devil bay!!
  9. listen kid you play whatever you got.dont be put off by pretentious know all conniseurs of soul.id rather listen to a clsssic oldie than some of the shite thats being " discovered" if ypu like ir and youve got it and its on a £2 boot , play it when your old enough maybe you'll be stupid enough to pay £ 1300 quid for a " original" yawwwn
  10. good luck mate knock em dead!!
  11. well done mate i wish you all the best! 25 years left in soul eh leigh! then what? looks like tje north are doin ok for youg ones again well done but in the midlands not so good. when your out and about this weekend count the young ones shouldnt take long
  12. what do they do ? put the electrifying set on a memory card and post it? i go to nighters, dayers and events and in the past 3 years i can count on 1 hand how many djs under 20 years old ive seen.
  13. what do they do ? put the electrifying set on a memory card and post it? i go to nighters, dayers and events and in the past 3 years i can count on 1 hand how many djs under 20 years old ive seen.
  14. what do they do? put there electrifying set on a memory card and post it?

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